Starting a New Job – Like Kindergarten all Over Again

Remember what it was like when you started kindergarten? Ok, maybe that’s a stretch for some of us, but how about when you started a new grade in school? Your body was full of nervous energy and you could hardly wait to start; yet you had no idea what to expect. Well starting a new job will bring back all of those fond memories in an awful hurry.

Starting a new job is not much different than starting school when you think about it. For a couple of weeks you’ll wonder whom you will meet and what you will wear, but what do you do when the first day actually comes?

Whenever you walk into a new work environment for the first time, smile. Be polite to every person you see along the way. Take the initiative to go up to people and introduce yourself. When you do this, look into their eyes and again, smile.

Once you have introduced yourself around, waste no time getting started. Ask your new boss or co-workers what you can do and when given a task for the day, go for it. Don’t be an over-achiever though. Remember it’s your new job not your old job, meaning, some policies may be different then before. If you have any doubt, ask questions. This will ensure the job not only gets done promptly, but properly as well.

Once your workday is done let everyone know how great it was being there and how you look forward to seeing them all the next day. This may sound like you are kissing a little backside, but if the worst thing said about you after the first day is, ‘That person is really nice,’ then you are doing ok.

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Like mom used to say, “Before you know it you will have all kinds of new friends.” Mom is always right isn’t she? Just keep smiling, working, and asking questions and before you know it, your new job will feel as comfortable as an old pair of jeans that have been broken in for years.

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