Studying At Home Is Tough, But These Tips Will Help You Push Through The Worst Of It

The coronavirus has upended the traditional education system. Schools, colleges, and universities are all closed, and learning has had to move online. It’s nobody’s fault. It’s just the way the world is right now. 

Unless you’re an autodidact (somebody who revels in teaching themselves), however, studying at home can be challenging. Most people need regular feedback and instruction to get the most out of their study sessions. When you’re all on your own, getting that kind of input is difficult. 

The internet is also a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it feeds you a steady supply of work. But on the other, it is a massive distraction. Every five minutes, you get a notification, and it is almost impossible to resist clicking it. 

If you’re one of the millions of people now at home studying, the following infographic on digital learning success during a pandemic should help. It talks about the problems that you face and some of the ways that you can solve them. 

A lot of it is elementary stuff – like not checking your phone every five minutes. But there’s also helpful advice on arranging study groups so that you can support your peers. And there are also handy tips for how to use the current crisis as a springboard to help you achieve your long-term goals in life. 

Infographic by Post University

So, do you feel more confident about your ability to focus on your study sessions after reading that? Just remember to develop a schedule. And for heaven’s sake, stay off social media!

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