How to Become an Orthopedic Hand Surgeon

How to Become an Orthopedic Hand Surgeon

If you’re thinking about becoming a doctor and the skeletal system has always been something that fascinates you, have you ever thought about becoming an orthopedic hand surgeon? Not only is it a respected position in the medical field but it’s also one that provides you with plenty of room for networking and career advancement,…

College Students: 5 Part Time Jobs You Can Do While Going to School

College Students: 5 Part Time Jobs You Can Do While Going to School

College students long for freedom from the constraints of going to school and living with parents, but how can they get it? Getting a job on campus may be appealing to some students, but sometimes there are more opportunities away from school. With so many college students looking for jobs, it may be worthwhile to…

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5 Questions to Ask During Your Job Interview

While people believe a job interview is a time for an employer to ask all the questions, it’s actually the opposite. The best job interviews are two-way conversations, with interviewer and interviewee engaging in a dialogue that results in each person better understanding the other. Though some interviews are longer and more detailed than others,…

How To Find A New Job In Later Life

How to Find a Job

Whether you’re just out of college or have been in the workforce for decades, it’s typically not easy to find a new job. If you’re currently job hunting, you’re not alone. Some studies suggest that as many as 75 percent of people are looking for a job at any given time. That’s a lot of…