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The Top 5 Fastest Growing Jobs for Salesmen

Many different careers are available in sales. Salespeople today can make a large amount from commissions or other employer incentive programs. The following are some of the best sales opportunities. Retail Sales Some of the fastest growing careers in sales are related to the retail industry. Retailers have been expanding consistently over the years. These…

Chase Your Dreams! Jobs That Would Make Your Life Happier

Chase Your Dreams! Jobs That Would Make Your Life Happier

According to Career Bliss, an online career community that compiles the happiest and unhappiest jobs in the United States each year, money does not always equal happiness. In fact, the top unhappiest job in America, according to their survey, was an Associate Attorney, earning, on average, $111,000 per year. The happiest job in the country…

5 Sure Ways to Nail Your Next Sales and Marketing Interview

5 Sure Ways to Nail Your Next Sales and Marketing Interview

If you are looking for a job in sales or marketing, you will want to showcase your most relevant skills during the interview. Meeting with a prospective employer provides the opportunity to “sell” your sales and marketing skills through the way you present yourself. Here are 5 important ways to give a persuasive job interview….