The Art of Career Building: Where and How to Start

The art of career building and planning is a lifetime journey. You will never stop making career choices. Decisions related to your occupation are among the most essential choices you will have to make in your life.

The process entails assessing your personal interests, researching possible career paths, and taking the necessary steps to reach your career goals. You will have a higher chance of success and feel more fulfilled if you do what you love.

In this guide, we look at career planning and some of the steps you can take to build your career.

What Is the Point of Career Planning?

Are you wondering what the point of career planning is? Everyone’s dream is to do what they love and earn money from it. Building a career that resonates with your passions and personal strengths takes time.

The main point of career planning is to help you:

  • Set up your personal, career, and academic goals
  • Understand where to network and who to associate with
  • Know how to make the most of your interests and passions
  • Know how to brand yourself
  • Understand how the job industry looks in your preferred field
  • Make the most out of your time

The career development process is not easy. You may need as much assistance to map out what career path you need to follow. However, it all starts with self-awareness and evaluating your skills, strengths, and weaknesses.

Below are the essential steps to take to build your career:

  1. Identify Your Career Goals

Are you wondering how to build a career and where to start? Before choosing a career path, it’s essential to get to know yourself first.

The truth is, most people wake up every day without a plan and go to jobs they don’t even like. This leads to work-related stress and frustrations or even depression. You can’t start a journey without having a clear plan on the path to take.

Take some time to think about your life. What are you most passionate about? What skills and strengths do you have?

Write a list of what you are good at. Then look for ways you can monetize these skills to earn a living. Ensure you settle for something you love doing

Take ample time to create your career goals. Your career path and inner desires need to be connected.

  1. Understand Your Strengths

Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is an essential step in personal development. Understanding your strengths, desires, thoughts, and weaknesses will give you insight into where to focus your efforts.

In every weakness, there is always a strength. Focusing on your weaknesses can help you turn them into strengths. After evaluating yourself, ensure you answer the following questions:

  • Can you work a 9-5 job?
  • Can you sit behind a desk from 9-5?
  • Do you like working with other people?
  • Do you have patience?
  • How well do you manage your time?
  • Do you like traveling?

Depending on your answers to the above questions, you will understand what career path you should follow. Ensure you choose the right career path that resonates with your strengths and weaknesses. Don’t be influenced to settle for a career based on what other people think you should do.

  1. Brand Yourself
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Branding is not only for businesses and products. Branding yourself is equally important. Building your brand is not easy; you will need a lot of consistency and patience.

When building your brand, the goal is to deliver a consistent behavior and image of yourself that other people would be willing to work with. This includes how you communicate with others, your time-keeping skills, and how you handle tough situations.

The way you dress will also reflect your brand. You don’t need expensive clothes to create a personal brand. Just dress for your body and show off your style; dress in something that gives your identity a signature style.

Do you prefer shaving or keeping long hair? Are your nails always trimmed and well done? While these things may seem superficial, how consistent you are matters when creating a personal brand.

Depending on the industry you’re looking to join, you could create social media accounts and showcase your skills and use them to create your brand.

  1. Start Networking

Networking will open you up to greater connections and opportunities. Networking entails meeting new people and expanding your circle of influence and connections. To grow a network of reliable contacts, ensure you also have something to offer.

Below are essential steps to follow to help you create a network:

  • Talk to people and open yourself up
  • Always have a copy of your resume and portfolio ready
  • Don’t forget to follow up with individuals you’d like to keep a connection with
  • Always know where to network
  • Have realistic expectations

Networking doesn’t have to be an expensive and extravagant event; it can be done anywhere. When taking a bus home, you may meet an interesting stranger who works in the industry you’re looking to join. Keep such people close.

Networking can be instrumental in helping you find jobs that pay well in your desired industry. The more people you meet, the higher your potential is to find the right job.

  1. Write a Professional CV

Your resume should communicate a story to your potential employers. When creating your resume for different job applications, remember to be confident and honest about your capabilities. There is no point lying on your CV only to be discovered during the interview.

Remember also to include a cover letter for the position you’re looking to fill. Your resume and cover letter will help you create a first impression. Ensure they are unique and stand out from other applicants.

Are You Ready to Start Your Career Building Process?

The career building process may take a while. But so is finding the right job for you. However, if you are consistent and put in the work, your efforts will be well rewarded.

The career-building process requires your willingness to challenge yourself and push yourself out of your comfort zone. If you set your heart on something, ensure you have the commitment and courage to follow it through.

Check out other articles on our site for more life-saving tips.

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