Top 3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Quit Your Job

It’s a fact that many Americans are unhappy at work and wishing they were somewhere else. According to a poll run by Gallup, for instance, only around 13 percent of the workforce is actually engaged during their working hours. This frustration can stem from many things, including low pay, too many hours, a lack of recognition, bad management, boredom, and more.

If you’re like many people at the start of the year, you may be thinking and dreaming about handing in your resignation so that you can leave your current job behind and find something better. If so, before you do, it’s important to ask yourself some simple questions to determine if now is the right time to make a move or not.

These questions will help you discover if you’ve done, or put up with, all you can in your current role, and if you’re therefore ready to begin investigating tips on how to write a resume and land your dream job in the coming months. Read on for three questions to keep in mind today.

Do You Hate the Work Environment?

One of the main reasons why lots of people want to quit their job and search for something new is because they’re unhappy in their current work environment. While you might think that a person’s pay level is going to be the biggest factor for wanting to move, in fact for many people the strongest motivation for change is hating having to deal with the people they report to, not feeling like they fit in with the team, or not liking the company on a whole.

Sometimes the way in which businesses are run will lead to you feeling like you have to compromise your values or beliefs to fit in or to get the job done, which obviously needs to be avoided at all costs. An unhealthy and toxic work environment can also crop up if the culture of a workplace is all about competition, negativity, gossip, spending incredibly long hours on the job, or another cause that leads to too much stress.

If you would love to hand in your resignation so that you never have to see your manager or some of your co-workers again, or so that you could try to get at least some semblance of work/life balance, then it does look like it’s time to consider quitting.

What to Put on Your Resume

Just make sure that when you look for a new role that you do what you can to find a company, manager, and team that is the right fit for you. Try to include details in your resume and cover letter that will give recruiters and employers an idea of who you are and what you value, and make sure you ask relevant questions in interviews to determine if a new position is suitable.

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Is There Any Room Left for Career Advancement or Growth?

Another question to ask yourself if you want to quit your job is this: is there any room left for career advancement or growth in your current role? While you might enjoy working for the company and leaders you have now, and feel like you’re definitely a part of the team, you might be faced with the fact that you’ve done all you can within the business already, and don’t have any room left for personal expansion if you stay.

To remain happy and satisfied within a position, people need to feel like they can continue to be challenged and have the chance to be promoted. If you don’t have this at work, you will quickly get bored and stuck in a rut.

What to Put on Your Resume

If you feel like you’re at a dead-end, it is probably time to start looking for a new firm to work for where you will be given the chance to grow further.

Take some time to analyze your current resume and look for skills you’d like to hone, or areas of limited experience that you’d really enjoy developing further. This will give you some guidance on the type of role to look for next. You might also have new career aspirations or interests that you would like to pursue.

Are There Signs That Your Firm Is in Trouble or Headed for Big Change?

Lastly, it might be time to quit your job if you regularly see signs that your current employer is in trouble financially or legally, or that the firm seems to be headed for big change that won’t work for you personally (e.g. technology changing the way jobs are completed).

What to Put on Your Resume

If it seems that the “writing is on the wall” within the business, with layoffs, pay drops, or salary freezes starting to happen or seemingly on the cards, it is wise to think about searching for a new job ASAP.

This will help you to get out in front of a bad situation, and stop yourself from potentially having to compete with lots of former co-workers on new job opportunities if mass layoffs occur at once. To land a new job quickly, ensure your resume is up-to-date and properly written and laid out sooner rather than later so that you can start applying for roles straight away.

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