Top Careers in the Gaming Industry That You Need to Consider

Most career paths in the gaming industry are exciting. You get to be where the action is, and you’ll learn a lot of interesting things. Plus, the pay isn’t half bad. For instance, it is possible to earn up to $60,000 in base pay as a dealer, before you include your tips. This is just one example, but it speaks to why many find jobs in this field to be both exciting and fulfilling. There’s a lot of opportunity to be had!

If you have been considering a career change, and you like the idea of finding steady work in the gaming industry, you might want to consider some of the following positions:


As mentioned above, dealers can make pretty good money. The $60,000 number quoted above is on the high side for base salary, but some in this profession wind up making as much as $30,000 a year on tips as well. Dealers work on the casino floor and operate various gaming tables. They monitor for suspicious activities, handle the cards throughout each game, manage the pots, and ensure that rules are followed. Dealers are also responsible for collecting the players’ money and distributing any winnings.

If you’re interested in applying to be a dealer, you’ll need to demonstrate your expertise in the field. You’ll need to know gaming rules inside and out, possess strong communication skills and customer service ability, and be able to shuffle and deal cards smoothly and without making errors. You don’t necessarily need a college degree, but having taken courses or graduated from a dealer school specifically will certainly give you a leg up.

Professional Poker Player

If you are considering a career in the gaming industry already, then you may well have thought about trying to become a professional poker player as well. It’s certainly an appealing career option to many –– one in which you get to “be your own boss,” enjoy playing cards on a daily basis, and attempt to earn an income without the typical burdens of a nine-to-five job. Not to mention you’ll likely end up traveling to fun places for tournaments and meeting interesting people along the way (though lots of career poker players earn most of their winnings online).

While becoming a professional poker player is no easy feat, it’s not impossible. Aside from studying and practicing the game itself, you can start by getting your finances in order and being honest with yourself about your progression and abilities. Take a methodical approach to improvement, and track your wins and losses. You can’t simply dive into pro poker earnings, but with this approach –– and some skill and luck –– you may find that you begin to see net earnings, at which point you’re beginning to ease into the world of pro poker that can eventually become a viable career.

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Shift Manager

A shift manager’s responsibility revolves around the gaming floor. Someone in this position needs to make sure that the personnel is providing the best service possible to the guests. Shift managers are also tasked with ensuring that company policies and state rules are followed. And broadly speaking, they have to keep any and all floor operations running smoothly –– from the collection and storage of chips, to the management of any disorderly gamers.

As with qualifications for becoming a dealer, being a shift manager doesn’t require you to have a college degree –– though in this case, having one does increase your chances of being hired. You will also be a stronger candidate if you have experience in management (preferably in an in-person capacity).

Slot Operations Manager

If you’re interested in the bright lights of the slot reels, a career as a slot operations manager might be just the thing. A slot operations manager quite simply heads up the daily operations of the slot department. In addition, they are responsible for reviewing the slots, reporting the cash brought in by the games, and supervising related staff.

Generally, being a slot operations manager doesn’t require a college degree, but this also depends on the company you’re applying to work for. As is the case with most jobs in the gaming industry, and really most jobs in general these days, your work experience will likely be the most important aspect of your resume and application. Prospective employers will want to see that you’ve handled responsibility and overseen others before.

These are ultimately just a few of many careers linked to the gaming industry. But for those interested in the world of casino games, they make for exciting and accessible paths to consider.

Best of luck!

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