
Top Five Most Rewarding Careers

Top Five Most Rewarding Careers Many today are looking for careers that will offer more than just money. They want jobs that will provide them with certain intrinsic rewards. These careers help people remain happy for the long term, and though many won’t match the high salaries associated with other careers, they offer many other benefits.


Many lawyers who work in criminal defense choose to defend the poor. Others, spend their time ensuring that clients get a fair trial. This is one field where attorneys get to interact with people, and they feel as if their work matters. A large number of clients have simply made a mistake, and these lawyers ensure that the system doesn’t bury these individuals. You can visit , www.HarronLaw.com to learn more about a career in law.

Clinical counseling

Clinical counselors listen to their clients, helping those individuals work through their problems. They serve as valuable resources for people who’ve run into major life issues, and they get to see their results over a short period of time. Though not all clients show great results after going through clinical counseling, this career still allows counselors to feel as if they’ve made an impact.

Teacher and coach

At the high school level, many will double as coaches and teachers. They get to interact daily with young people, and they get to impart their wisdom. For those who pull double-duty, there’s enough time to truly make a difference in the lives of young people who are just looking for a positive influence.

Newspaper reporter

Though the hours may be long and the job somewhat thankless, this is a career where people get to meet some of the best that society has to offer. As a newspaper reporter, you have access to great stories, and you get to expose people who’ve done the right thing. You’ll get to express yourself, too, and you’ll be known as a valuable member of the community.

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Software developer

Though you might not think of this career when you think of the most rewarding, it’s time to realize that software developers play a major role in today’s society. These are the people who put together programs that move businesses and individuals forward. They power the modern world, and they can sleep well in knowing that they’ve made a huge difference.


These jobs give people the opportunity to make an impact in many different ways. They aren’t the highest-paying jobs, but they offer subsidiary benefits that shouldn’t be discounted. For people who are looking for a career path that’s about more than just money, all of these careers make sense.

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