
Wasted Hours: 3 Simple Solutions to Help You Sleep More and Work Less

Wasted Hours 3 Simple Solutions to Help You Sleep More and Work LessAs the old saying goes, there’s really no need to work harder per say. People just have to learn to work smarter. In today’s increasingly technological world, doing actions smarter is something that comes naturally. Working smarter leads businesses and their owners to a number of important benefits. First, their efficiency is up. Second, their profits rise. And third, it allows them to work less for these increased benefits. (There may even be time to sleep in more!). Here is a list of three simple technological solutions to help people work smarter in the office while getting the benefits of working harder.


1. Teleconferencing


Many businesses no longer operate on a local scale. It’s simply bad economic sense. Why work in a single locale when business could be booming everywhere. Companies are going international to seek out higher profit margins and new customer bases. As the companies grow and the contacts increase, it becomes difficult to manage. Face to face communication enhances the experience and success rate for all parties, but it becomes extremely expensive as companies expand. Here’s where teleconferencing comes into play. Businesses can communicate with each other in real time using technology like Go To Meeting and Skype. These options significantly cut down on the cost and hassles of sending representatives all over the globe.


2. Lead Information


Most sales platforms tend to respond to inquiries and requests with a simple automated response. This has become expected today. However, people are still pleasantly amazed when an email pops up that looks like it could have easily been personally typed. The Lead Information software allows people to create responses that seem to have this tailor-made touch. Customer relationship management software like AIM, allows you to automate this and other time-consuming processes. This translates into the sales boosts and benefits of personal reception. There is more active lead information at aimcrm.com/automation/nurture/

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3. Google Applications


Most companies can really get behind Google’s many business applications simply because they work. Signing up for a Google Mail account (Gmail) enables people to access a number of different business suites. These include Google Calendar, Documents, and Google+. All of these applications share one crucial aspect (apart from the Google brand, of course). They tend to utilize the cloud. These services can be accessed from all over the globe. People within the company can edit the calendar and others will be alerted to the changes. Documents can be altered and sent with a few clicks of the mouse. It’s an easy way to foster communication and cooperation with employees.


Mike is a freelance blogger from Eugene, Oregon. He writes about his passions, business tech, food, and green culture. Co-authored by Michael Myles.

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