Why Do You Need A Holiday Staffing Agency?

Every retailer secretly loves the holiday seasons. Even though these parts of the year are the busiest and involve a lot of stress, they’re the times when you make the most money. Your sales surge, and then a while passes before another season picks up.

It’s the way the world works. Well, most of the time, you can’t handle busy days all on your own. That’s why most retail stores have seasonal workers. If it’s a tourist place, they need help during the summers or winters. If you’re someone who has a ski park, you’re going to need a lot of help when Christmas comes around. Click here to read more.

It doesn’t matter if you have an online store or a brick-and-mortar store. You’re still going to need a helping hand. Now, we all know that last year wasn’t the best one we’ve had. There’s the whole pandemic situation that ruined vacations. However, even despite that, there were more than 600 000 people were recruited for seasonal work.

Most businesses would have hired even more people if the demand was higher. Now, people have more freedom to move around, which means that one of the busiest seasons should be expected. If you don’t want to be short-staffed, you need to start early. Here are some of the things that you might want to do.

Start right away

There are a few methods that you can use to locate seasonal labor. The first strategy is to build a pipeline for finding people. This means that you need to include information about the holidays. Because most seasonal workers are juggling more than one job, you need to publish your schedule early. Visit this link for more info https://www.whas11.com/article/news/local/metro-corrections-pilot-programs-launch/417-ef5cb7f7-c8ec-4821-9916-3c752a19c83a.

Include it into the description since that will eliminate the people that will ask for specific days off. The more info you give about the days and the hours, the better candidates you’ll find. It’s important to emphasize that you’ll be needing people just for the holiday season.

As soon as you have that down, you need to post the openings right away. Because there are rising rates of unemployment at the moment, people are hunting for jobs months in advance. The earlier you publish your listing, the better the candidates are going to be.

Most retail stores start posting their vacancies in the middle of October, and in less than two weeks, all of the positions are filled. If you’re planning to post the vacancies on your website, make sure to add a popup that tells visitors that you’re hiring. That could also be a page in your menu or in a specified part of your Careers page.

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Make use of social media

Nowadays, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok are parts of our daily lives. Most people spend hours on these sites. If you have a social media following, start sharing your open positions. If people love what you’re doing, they’re going to love working for you.

Doing this will help you locate outstanding applicants that will come with a smile when their shift starts. Your fans are most familiar with the way you do things, and you don’t know whether they need a job. This could also reach your past employees from previous seasons that might want to come again.

However, if you don’t have any social media pages, it’s going to be difficult to use this tactic. In that case, a holiday staffing agency can help you out. These are specialized businesses that are in constant communication with people who are looking for a job.

They have distributed networks on all platforms, and they can help you find the right candidate in no time. They can even help make your posts more interesting depending on the mediums that you want to use. If you’ve never posted on social media before, they’ll give you suggestions.

For example, you might need to take a few pictures of your front entrance that’s been freshly decorated for the holidays. Another interesting photo idea is a picture of your crew doing their job. When people see what they’re going to be doing, it’s much easier to send an application.

Referrals always work

There’s nothing better for sales than word of mouth, and there’s nothing better for an employer than a referral. When the holiday season starts, you want to have a capable crew that can handle anything that gets thrown at them. This could be large orders or an influx of customers.

Your coworkers definitely know someone that needs a temporary gig during those times. For every referral that works out, reward the qualified applicants as well as the people who recommended them.

That will keep the program going, and you’re going to have top talent in your team. Set up an interview process, ask a couple of questions that are related to the job, and in a few steps, you’re going to have an effective seasonal employee.

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