Why You Should Be Certified In First Aid At Work

You may remember briefly learning about the basics of first aid back in school- however for most of us that was over 10 years ago, and it’s hard enough remembering what we had for breakfast, nevermind how to perform the heimlich maneuver.

First aid is something which can be incredibly important for both your own personal development, and the safety of everyone else around you. You could be that person who runs through the crow when someone is injured shouting ‘I’m trained in first aid!’

Of course, the merits of learning this vital skill aren’t just limited to that rush of pride you get when you are able to step up and help someone in need, you will get much more from it in your personal and business life. It is required by law that all companies provide adequate first aid facilities, equipment and personnel within their walls. This is so that if anyone ever has an injury, they can get the help they require until the emergency services arrive to take over. The requirement for first aid in the workplace will depend on the size and the risk of the industry.

Why should you train to be a first aider?

There will come a time during your career where you may be asked to complete a bls certification or a short first aid course. You will then be a designated first aider for the company. But why would you want to take on the responsibility?

First of all, being first aid trained can be a great skill to add to your resume and you will likely have career opportunities opened up to you by having this skill. If you don’t want to stay in the same job forever, learning these vital skills during your twenties can have a huge benefit on the opportunities you have available to you as you grow and develop.

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The second reason you should be trained in first aid and CPR is to have the chance to save a person’s life. There is no worse feeling than seeing someone have a heart attack right in front of you and not being able to do a thing about it. If you have been trained in the steps of CPR you’ll be able to step in and very possibly save that person’s life. There is no more valuable skill in the whole world.

The good news is that you don’t need to have any sort of medical background to be accepted onto a first aid course because you are being taught life skills. First aid training will often take longer than a CPR course because you will be able to learn more about treating fractures, dressing wounds and dealing with head injuries. In the workplace and for your personal life these skills are some of the most crucial you can have. You can obtain these qualifications from the American Heart Association and other similar organisations, and you will be able to keep yourself and your colleagues sage in the workplace.

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