Why You Shouldn't Stay In A Job You Hate

Why You Shouldn’t Stay In A Job You Hate

If you genuinely hate your job, you have to ask yourself one question: What am I still doing here?

Of course, you can probably answer that question. As examples, you might tell yourself:

  • The money is good
  • I like my coworkers
  • It’s secure
  • It fits around my family
  • Finding a new job is difficult

You can probably add to that list. 

But ask yourself these questions:

  • Do I really want to stay in a job that I don’t enjoy forever?
  • Do I want to live with feelings of stress and dissatisfaction at work?
  • Do I want to give up on my career dreams?
  • Do I want to sacrifice my personal happiness?

Let these questions motivate you because if you don’t make some effort to start on a new career path, you might stay in a job that both fills you with misery and keeps you away from real career happiness. 

Get Out Now Before You’re Trapped There Forever

According to a Gallup poll, 85% of people hate their jobs, and they stay behind for some of the reasons we listed earlier. And while these reasons are understandable, you have to take a long hard look at your life if these also apply to you, and consider whether you want to be tied down to the job you despise forever.

You see, the longer you stay within your job, the less time you will have to take on the training needed for a job that would suit you better.

You will spend less time looking for a way out too, especially after you have convinced yourself that you should probably stay. 

And the unhappier you get, the less motivated you might become, and the knock-on effects to your mental health could prevent you from making the effort to work out a new career plan.

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So, while you might like your colleagues remember that you can still keep in touch outside of work. While you might enjoy the salary, remember that there are other high-paying jobs out there. And while you might resist the idea of starting anew elsewhere, remember that your alternative might be a life of drudgery and misery.

So, ask yourself: What kind of job will make me happy?

It might be something that falls in line with your passions, for example. If you’re a lover of all things tech-related, you might want to consider audio visual jobs. If you want to spend more time in the great outdoors, you might want to consider some of these job roles. These are just a few examples, but consider what you personally enjoy and pursue career paths that fit.

You might also want to have more of an impact on the world. Some people find career fulfillment by serving the needs of others, so if your current job falls down in this area, you might want to consider your options. Charity work could be the answer or a job within social work or teaching. Any such option is better than a job that has little meaning in your life. 

If you stay in the job you hate, you might never achieve happiness, and as you spend most of your life in the workplace, this is a shame. So, make a plan to move, get out when you can, and start afresh elsewhere. With our expert career advice, this can be made possible, so get in touch and benefit from our services. 

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