Your Career Doesn’t Have To Be Passionless: Have You Got What It Takes To Be Your Own Boss?

Are you starting to feel the every-morning-dread rather than the end of the weekend, monday-morning-dread? You may have already changed jobs – and careers – a few times, however, you still can’t shake the feeling that you could be doing something much better with your life; something that makes you happy and gives you purpose. If you are constantly thinking “there must be something more to life than working all year just for the privilege of a two week holiday”, then you are in need of finding a new daily passion. If you have always dreamed of a career that makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning, becoming your own boss and doing exactly what you want in life may be your only way forward. You may have already come to this conclusion on your own, but just don’t know what steps to take to create a successful business. Here are some helpful tips and questions to answer to help you come to the decision of whether this path is for you or not – before you leave your current job.

Use Your Current Career Position To Your Advantage

Before handing over your resignation letter with the smug news that you are transitioning to self-employed – make sure you are taking everything you can away from your current job. Use any imbursed employee training programmes your current job has to shape your knowledge of the corporate world and what it takes to run a business. Many companies have a lot of research resources available as well, so be sure to research into the areas you would like to set up shop in – just be sure all the research is done on your own time. It is a good idea to have put a business plan together before you leave – as it will ensure this is the right choice for you, and it is viable – i.e going to work out. You don’t want to leave your job only to be back in the boss’s office a couple of weeks later, tail between your legs, begging for your old job back.

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Live Below Your Means

Use the current luxury of having a guaranteed, full-time income at the end of every month to save as much as you can. Even though there are many merchant cash advance funding options available to you, you are going to want to start up your business with as little debt and loss as possible. You can also take this time to ensure all of your personal finances are in order too. Since, for the first couple of years running a business you will be dealing with updating the books and paying your own taxes – you will need your personal finances to set a good example for your business finances. Make sure you have a good foundation to build on, not just a pile of bricks.

With a simple, but well-planned, strategy in place, you could be working as your own boss before you know it. It will probably take some getting used to, but having clear goals and objectives set out will help keep you on track and chasing success.

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