3 Tips For Getting A New Job After Being Laid Off

In the last year, hundreds of thousands of people have been laid off from their jobs through no fault of their own. And while being laid off is very different than being fired, either route essentially puts you in the same position of needing to find a new job.

If this misfortune has happened to you, here are three tips to help you get a new job after being laid off


Reassess Your Career Trajectory


While seeking out a new job right now likely wasn’t your idea, being on the hunt for something new can give you the opportunity to reassess your career and where you want it to go in the future.

According to Katherine Lewis, a contributor to The Balance Careers, if you can afford to take a few days to really think about what your career has become and what you want out of your career as you move forward, you might find that what you really want is to pivot into something new for your next career. So if you’re able to take some time to discover what you liked and disliked about your last job and what you’d like your next job to be like, you could move into a job that’s a much better match for you after being laid off. 


Create Various Updated Resumes


Now that you’re actively going to be searching for a new job, you’ll want to update your resume regarding the last job you had and any other skills you may have gained since you were last looking for employment.

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As you create and update your resume, Sara McCord, a contributor to The Muse, suggests that you spend some time creating a few different versions of your resume that may be suited to the different jobs you’ll be applying for. Unless you’re only planning on applying to the same position at every company that has an open position, you may have better luck tweaking your resume slightly based on the exact qualifications each job posting states. 


Devote Time To Your Job Search Each Day


Until you nail down your next job, the editorial team from Indeed.com recommends that you think about your job search as being your full-time job. Ideally, you should try to devote at least a few hours each day to working on your resume, applying for jobs, researching companies, bolstering your skills, and other tasks that could help you land a job and get you working again. 

If you’ve just been laid off and are feeling like you’re floundering as you search for a new position, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you get yourself together and figure out your next professional move. 

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