4 People To Call To If You Are Injured On Company Time

4 People To Call To If You Are Injured On Company Time It is a terrible moment when you get injured on the job. You start to panic immediately, wondering how serious the injury is. Not only can a work injury hurt your body, it can also hurt your wallet as well. Being unable to work due to an injury is devastating. If you get injured at work, you need to make the right moves to make sure that your needs are taken care of. Here is a guide to the four people you should call to make sure that things go smoothly when you are hurt at work.


1. Call the Doctor


Obviously, the first step you need to need to make is to get your injury tended to by medical personnel. If it is a serious injury, then you should call an ambulance. If it is not a serious injury, then you can call a doctor to set up an appointment. You need to see a doctor as soon as you possibly can to make sure that you can recover well from a workplace injury.


2. Call Your Significant Other


If you have a spouse, your next call after the doctor should be to them. Your spouse will want to know that you have been hurt. Your spouse can meet you at the hospital to give you all the love and support you need in your injured state.


3. Call Workers Comp


Your employer pays their premiums for workers comp insurance so that employees don’t have to worry about their finances during a difficult time. Your employer should make the call to workers comp as soon as you are injured to file a claim. If they neglect to do this, you need to tell them to do it right away. They need to get the ball rolling to make sure that you do not sustain financial difficulties due to your injury.

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4. Call a Personal Injury Lawyer


Even if you workers comp is helping you out, you should call a personal injury lawyer after you are injured at work. A personal injury lawyer Cullman will be able to inform you about your rights. You may be entitled to more compensation for your injury than is provided by workers comp. A severe injury at work could make you unable to return to your job. You need to get legal advice to avoid a workplace injury from leading you to financial ruin down the road. It pays to be on the safe side when it comes to a situation like this.

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