5 Things You Can Do RIGHT NOW To Improve Your Employability

job Hey, you! Yes, you reading this article! You’ve made the first great step towards improving your employability by clicking on this link. Once you’ve read through the tips we’re going to give you; I want you to start on the path to employment. Another day of procrastinating or watching TV isn’t going to get you very far. Today, we’re going to get you one step closer to finding the perfect job. Let’s get started, shall we?

Hand Out Your Resume

It’s time to get off the couch and get out there! Take a moment this afternoon to print off your resume and hand it out to local businesses. You’ll want to make sure it’s printed on good-quality paper, too. Make any adjustments you feel are necessary to it, or completely re-design it from the ground up!

Take An Online Course

There are thousands of online courses you can take to improve your employability skills. You can start with the basics, taking Math and English courses to bring the core necessities up to speed. Then, start looking in your chosen field for something that might be relevant to your career path. For example, you might want to take an IT support exam if you’re big on computers. Alternatively, you could take an ACLS certification online if you’re seeking employment as a nurse. The sky’s the limit.

Do A Careers Test

You might have found that you’ve lost your way on the career ladder. You’ve held a number of jobs, but you just don’t know what you want to do anymore. That’s OK! We all feel like that sometimes, and a change of profession can be good for us. Instead of racking your brain, why not take a careers test to see what might suit you? These normally take the form of quizzes, and they’ll present you with suitable jobs that fit your skill set.

See also  How to Make a Great First Impression at a New Job

Sign Up As A Volunteer

Businesses hire employees based on two things: their knowledge and their experience. Unfortunately, it’s really difficult to get experience if you’re just starting out in the world of work. One of the best ways to improve your employability, in this case, is to sign up as a volunteer. There are loads and loads of places who are crying out for unpaid volunteers to help them. It’ll look great on your resume and might just land you that first job. Sign up today!

Learn A New Skill

Think about what you do in your free time. I bet you spend a lot of it not achieving a whole lot, right? When you’re browsing Facebook for an hour and not accomplishing anything, you could be doing so much more. Instead, why don’t you take the time to learn something new? Think about your passions and try and find a way to turn them into a career. It could be as simple as learning video game design or tackling an art project. Maybe you want to write that book you always envisioned? Start today, and you never know where it’ll take you!

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