3 Ways To Decide Between Job Offers

If you are lucky enough to be applying for work and have more than one job offer on the table in front of you, congratulations. You are in a rare but very lucrative position. Not only do you have the power to play one offer off against the other to get the best deal, you are able to feel quite bolstered by the fact that there are two companies that are vying for your attention and want your help to turn their business around.

All jokes aside, it’s a difficult position to be in, when you have more than one job offer. You have to research your options very closely, compare the companies that have interviewed you and decide which is best for you overall. Companies like The RX Advocates have public profiles so that people can talk about why they are a good company to work for. It’s like TripAdvisor for careers. This is a good way to get a look at a company from the perspective of the people working there rather than the story that they company you’ve interviewed with has sold you. So, to decide between magic option one and magic option two, you need to ask yourself three things:

Have You Looked Past The Perks?

When a donkey rides to market enticed with a carrot, he doesn’t notice if he’s about to walk into a wall, he just sees a carrot as his prize. You need to look at the perks on offer, and then set them to one side. Perks are wonderful, but what else does the company have to offer you? Is it a good company to work for? Are there many people being hired and fired? Are the perks so enticing that the company itself is a nightmare to work with? All of these things have to factor in your choice.

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Where Is The Growth?

Your choice is going to decide whether your career develops or not, so you must choose wisely. A great role with a great salary means nothing if there is nowhere for you to grow into, no ladder to climb and no promotion to work hard for. Sometimes, the best thing for you is to take a job with a lesser salary but more scope for personal development. It’s important!

Were The People Nice?

In terms of priority, this is often a low one for people, but it shouldn’t be. You could choose the massive salary and find out that the people you work for are narcissistic bullies who care only for themselves. This is not the type of company that you would want to be stuck working with. Think back to your interview; were they nice? Welcoming? Did the staff at the desks look happy and relaxed? Was there a chatty environment? All of these questions are important, and you should look closely at these first.

Choosing your next job is not an easy one, so weigh up your pros and cons and make it count.

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One Comment

  1. The best thing to do is chat with the existing staff (if possible) – are they happy? do they look happy? how stressed do they seem?

    You will be spending a lot of time at work so it is important to be in a place that you will like!

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