A Powerful Resume Depends Upon What Happens Before You Write a Word

A Powerful Resume Depends Upon What Happens Before You Write a Word

The most important work that goes into composing an effective resume comes before sitting down to write anything.  One must know with exactness the job being sought.  In some ears this might sound like a point too obvious to mention, but it is one Wizdom, Inc. career counselor Jane Goodman finds herself emphasizing over and…

Resume Ideas For Telecommunications Positions

Resume Ideas For Telecommunications Positions

Telecommunications has come a long way since Samuel Morse and the telegraph in 1837, Bell patented the telephone in 1876, Marconi won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1909 for his role in the advent of wireless radio communications and Baird demonstrated what was to become known as the television in 1925. Today, telecommunications is…

Summer Jobs

Summer Jobs

There are a variety of reasons that you might be looking for summer jobs.  If you don’t take a moment to think about what you can gain from picking up a short term job, then you might end up losing out in the end.  There are a number of different reasons that people choose one…

Job Trends

Job Trends

When people talk about job trends they can be talking about one of two things. First, they could be talking about the way that the job market is trending towards the future. The other way they may be talking about job trends is how the job market is trending in the present. However, when you…

resume writing

Resume Sending Services

Resume sending services have become increasingly popular as the process of getting your resume noticed continues to evolve.  The days of looking through the classified ads and dropping off your resume are gone.  While there are still some situations where this possible, it is not nearly as effective as it used to be.  Today every…