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Jobs That May Pay Off Your Student Loans

Student loan debt may become a bit overwhelming, but there are some jobs that you can get that might help you pay those loans off. This is good news as student loan debt is something that you will carry for you for the rest of your life until it is paid off.

Because student loan debt is not technically Government debt, there is no escaping it. It can’t be discharged in bankruptcy and you can’t just top paying it and live with a default. One way or another, the loan has to be paid back and this might mean losing your Federal tax return, if you are delinquent, until it is paid.

Luckily, there are plenty of job opportunities that will allow you to not only pay back your student loans, but will also help you do so. These jobs include:

•    Teachers: While this is not for all teaching positions, there are some that will assist you with the repayment of your student loans. These are typically teaching positions that require you to work at a school that is in a low income area or that is in desperate need of teachers. You may even be able to get some of your student loan forgiven if you work with children of disabilities at a qualifying school.
•    National Service Volunteers: Serving in the Peace Corp or other non-profit organizations like VISTA will also allow you to save on your student loans. Depending on how much time you devote to the organization, you will be able to get some or all of your student loan debt cancelled.
•    Child Care Providers: If you work with a child care provider that is part of the Head Start program you can have a portion of a specific student loan, known as the Perkins Loan, forgiven. In some cases, all of the loan will be forgiven.
•    Health Profession: If you work with the underprivileged for a certain amount of time in certain health professional settings, you can get some or all of your student loans forgiven. This is done directly with the Government and the time you have to put in may vary from state to state.
•    Federal Government: One of the many perks that come with having a Federal Government job is often student loan repayment assistance. This will of course vary depending on which Federal agency you go to work for and which Federal Government job you get within that agency. Depending on the circumstances you can get a little bit of assistance or a lot of assistance towards repaying your student loans.

See also  5 High-Paying Trade Jobs You Should Consider

Remember, student loans do not go away; ever. If you are nearing graduation or have already graduated and you find that you will not be able to handle the student loan debt on your own, then don’t try to walk away from it. Instead, seek employment with an employer that will not only offer you a career, but will also offer you help with repaying your student loans.

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