Top 5 Resume Tips for Tech Professionals

Top 5 Resume Tips for Tech Professionals

If you happen to be an extremely skilled and experienced tech professional, your resume could start to read like the technical version of a Tolstoy novel. In other words, your application might be too exhaustingly long for a reasonable hiring manager to sift through. As it turns out, including anything and everything on your resume…

How to Become a Certified Computer Repair Technician

Technology plays a very important part in our lives these days, as we use computers to do just about anything that there is to do. If you’re looking for a viable career path, one that involves computers and technology is definitely a smart move. These things aren’t going anywhere for a while; they’re some of…

Hard times

5 Common Pitfalls to Avoid When Starting a Business

When you’re starting your very own business, there are a lot of things for which you’re going to be responsible. Putting together any kind of organization is going to mean that you’re dealing with a serious amount of moving parts, but a business can especially sensitive. Today, there are a ton of ways that you…