Beyond the Classroom: Top 7 Jobs for Education Majors

Nearly 45 years ago, 1/4 of students majored in education. Now, fewer than one in ten Americans pursuing higher education are studying education. What has changed since 1975?

A lot.

Which is why it’s more important than ever to bring attention to the education world. It’s important to bring awareness to why fewer and fewer students are majoring in education. It’s important for people that are considering majoring in education to understand what kind of jobs exist in education beyond simply teaching.

Majoring in education can lead to many opportunities beyond teaching in the classroom. And at the same time, you can still enjoy working in education.  Shedding light on other career opportunities beyond teaching can inspire college students to pursue an education degree and help students succeed in different ways.  The truth is, there are a lot of jobs for education majors. But not every college student knows what jobs exist beyond the classroom. So, here’s what you need to know if you’re majoring in education and would like a job beyond the classroom.

Jobs for Education Majors

If you never wanted to be a teacher or have had experience in teaching and realized it wasn’t for you, there are plenty of opportunities beyond the classroom. Majoring in education can actually open career opportunities you never thought possible. It gives you flexibility and salary options.It gives you the freedom to choose what you want to do in education without feeling the pressure to teach in a classroom. Here’s what to do with an education degree.

  1. Education Administration

If you want to avoid teaching in the classroom, but still enjoy being involved in the school curriculum, then consider education administration.

Some positions include principal, assistant principal, superintendent, and school district administrator. As educational leaders, any of these positions involve budgeting, disciplinary actions, and other day-to-day actions.

  1. Curriculum Developer

Speaking of positions in education, the curriculum developer is immersed in researching and developing an educational curriculum.  They ensure that the curriculum is designed to help kids succeed.

They make sure they help kids acquire the skills they need to make progress in whatever grade they are in. They also help teachers teach with material that is educational and according to state standards.

  1. Education Consultant

A career in education beyond the classroom can also involve consulting. Private schools will hire educational consultants to help with classroom development and learning. These consultants ultimately try to boost productivity in the classroom with management strategies.

  1. Director of Career Services

If you’re looking to help kids beyond academics and assist them in finding a career, then consider the director of career services. It is a noble profession devoted to helping students thrive by learning the skills needed to find a job.  The director of career services focuses on improving students’ job-seeking skills and helping build relationships with businesses.

  1. SEO Content Writer

If a student has an M.A. in education, then they most likely know a thing or two about writing.  An SEO content writer will often contribute blog posts for businesses that are looking to drive in more traffic to their site. People with an M.A. in education are often particularly good writers in education because of their experience in that niche. There are a lot of writing opportunities, especially for good writers. And they pay quite lucratively if you write well enough.

  1. Tutor
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Another career in educational opportunity is tutoring. It’s a great way to be involved in education without feeling overwhelmed with large class sizes. It’s a chance to work with students one on one on specific educational topics. You can teach a student more with tutoring. You can help them overcome obstacles. As a tutor, you can work as much as you want in a day and set your rates, giving you more financial flexibility.

Overall, working as a tutor offers many benefits that don’t come with teaching in a classroom. There’s typically less stress from working as a tutor than from working in a classroom. Tutoring is ultimately another valuable career option for people with a degree in education.

  1. Media & Technology Specialist

Another way to teach students beyond the classroom and still be involved in education is as a media and technology specialist. Media and technology specialists work to provide educational programs for students to learn specific age-related content. For instance, media and technology specialists create marketable programs for students to learn math, science, or any other educational program.

In addition, media and technology specialists focus on getting a computer and other forms of tech equipment set up for students and staff. If you’re majoring in education, this is another great career opportunity to consider because it gives you another option to work in the classroom beyond simply teaching. Education executive search firms are always looking for talented candidates.

What Should You Be Doing in Education?

If you’re not wanting to teach and you have an M.A. in education, it can feel like you’re stuck not knowing what job to pursue. It can feel overwhelming. That’s why it’s immensely valuable to know what educational careers exist beyond teaching in the classroom. It not only gives you flexibility, but it gives you opportunities to explore viable career options without feeling confined to one particular career.

Jobs for education majors has never been more abundant. It’s time to get the word out and let everyone know. You can streamline search with a passion and purpose. If you’re just realizing that teaching in the classroom isn’t for you, don’t wait to find other opportunities that could be perfect for you. Don’t feel like you’re stuck in education and that you can only do one thing. Your degree in education gives you plenty of opportunities. Start actively searching for educational opportunities that are perfect for you. You won’t be stuck in the classroom. You’ll be doing something you feel destined to do in education, and you’ll love doing it. In the meantime, head over to our blog for more career advice.

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