Finding A Career If You Are Disabled

Finding A Career If You Are Disabled

Getting a new job can be tricky for anyone, but it can even more so for those with a disability. Finding work when you have a disability can be very difficult for a number of reasons. You may have struggled to gain the relevant experience in the sector that you want to work in, there may be physical barriers to you finding employment.

While we’d all like to imagine that discrimination does not exist, but sadly it does, and it can be very upsetting as a disabled job seeker to believe that you may be overlooked on the grounds of your condition. There are, however, many employers who actively engage with helping to fight discrimination by making their workplace as accessible as possible so that disabled applicants will be able to perform the job to the same standards as anyone else. It is also worth pointing out that there are laws in place that prevent acts of discrimination and it is well worth understanding your rights to be treated fairly as an applicant. 

Seek Out Any Support That You Are Eligible For

Depending on where you live, and your circumstances, you may very well be eligible for some support towards your living costs. Contact your local social security office for help and advice. Having some help may make it easier to stay on top of life while you look for work. If your disability is the result of time spent in the military services, then you may be eligible to make VA disability claims

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Finding A Role That You Can Do 

There is no reason why you should not push for the career that you want. There are many ways that you can approach your job hunt. Look online at career sites and job boards to find vacancies that suit you, alternatively, if you are unsure about the direction that you should take, get the help of a career adviser. Working out what you want to do with your life can often involve a lot of head-scratching and soul-searching. If you are not sure on what you want to do, don’t worry, you are not alone. 

Applying For Jobs

Once you have found a career that you are interested in, you will need to start marketing yourself to the job that you want. Update your resume as early as possible so that you are ready to apply. Focus on describing yourself using active words, rather than just creating a list of tasks that you have completed. Describing your skills will and achievements will create a stronger impression on recruiters. You may be asked to fill in questionnaires for equal opportunities monitoring. You should be honest at this point, and provide any information that is relevant to your disability. If you need braille, large print, or digital paperwork regarding the job, you can ask for this. There may be an opportunity for you to ask about any reasonable adjustments that you may need for your interview and the interview should make every effort to make these changes for you. 

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