5 Types of Jobs Available in the Mining Industry
There are five main positions available under this career pathway: exploration geologist, geophysicist, mine geologist, resource geologist and GIS technician. Exploration geologists discover and determine where certain minerals can be located in future mining operations. Geophysicists study the composition and structure of the earth to locate minerals and ground water. Mine geologists map and determine the grade of ore during mining operations. Resource geologists plan and conduct resource development and analysis of ore for future mining operations. GIS technicians use geographic information systems to locate and analyse mineral ore samples.
There are many different fields of engineering in the mining industry: chemical, civil, electrical, mechanical and mining, and surveying. Chemical engineers research and develop processes to extract metals from their base ores. Civil engineers plan, design and oversee the construction and procedures of mining projects. Electrical engineers develop and oversee the installation of all electrical systems in mining operations. Mining engineers plan and oversee the location and extraction of minerals from the earth. Mechanical engineers plan, design and supervise the assemblage, operation and maintenance of mechanical mining equipment. Surveyors work with engineers and geoscience professionals to conduct survey work of open or underground mining operations.
Mechanical and Metal Trades
Automotive mechanics service and repair all vehicles used in mining operations. Diesel mechanics service, maintain and test the motors and mechanics of mining vehicles and equipment. Heavy vehicle mechanics maintain and test heavy mining vehicles and equipment. Boilermakers fabricate a range of metal stock in order to repair metal mining equipment. Maintenance technicians oversee the safe maintenance of specialised mechanical equipment used in the mining industry. Welders fabricate and repair metal products by utilising a range of welding techniques.
This is the largest and most diverse area of mining and includes positions such as: miner (underground and opencut), driller (blasthole and exploration), loader operator, crane operator, dozer operator, crusher operator, mobile plant operator, dragline operator, excavator operator, truck driver and shotfirer. Miners are responsible for operating specialised equipment to excavate, load and transport ore, coal and rock. Drillers operate and maintain a drilling rig and associated equipment in order to extract ore. All operators and truck drivers are responsible for driving and or operating their respective vehicles. Shotfirers are individuals compile, position and detonate explosive charges during mining operations.
Electrical Trades
There are three main electrical trade positions in the mining industry: electricians, electrical fitters and maintenance technicians. Electricians fix and wire the electronics of a wide range of mining equipment. Electrical fitters work to maintain the electrical components of mining machinery, while maintenance technicians plan and develop new electronic maintenance procedures.
Whether you are considering a position in the mining industry it is important to have the right equipment. For more information about mining products, parts and servicing, contact Hyundai Construction Equipment.