Interview Your Interviewer

Interview Your Interviewer

At the end of every job interview is the same question, “Do you have any questions for me?” We all know the answer should be, “yes,” but many job seekers don’t know what those questions should be. Here are a few ideas to get the conversation flowing. “What made others successful/unsuccessful in this position?” These…

Folder prep for interview

Lunch Interview Tips

The good news: you landed an interview for that job you’re interested in. The potentially bad news: your prospective boss wants to conduct the interview over lunch. “Meal interviews” can come about for several reasons. Perhaps the interviewer has an insanely busy schedule and must multi-task by talking with you over lunch. Or the reason…

How to Describe Yourself in an Interview

How to Describe Yourself in an Interview

There you are dressed your best and being interviewed for the job of your dreams and the dreaded question gets asked, ‘Describe yourself for me.’ This question is almost always asked by perspective employers and almost always answered with a resounding uuuuuh… Knowing how to describe yourself in an interview can mean the difference of…

Shaking hands

How to Describe Weaknesses in a Job Interview

Human resources professionals, recruiters and others who interview job applicants seem to have a fondness for that much-dreaded question about how you would describe your own weaknesses. As much as those hiring love to ask the question, almost every job seeker hates to answer it. Describe your weaknesses is a double-edged sword of a question….