Resume Distribution Secrets

Resume Distribution Secrets

You’ve got a great resume – finally. But now you have to finish your job search by distributing your resume so that employers and recruiters actually see it. Following are some useful resume distribution tips to ensure you get your resume into the hands of the right recruiters and human resource departments. Post your resume…

When to Quit Your Job

When to Quit Your Job

For many people, the answer to the question, “Do you like your job?” changes depending on what day you ask. Maybe you can relate to this see-saw of emotions when it comes to your 9-to-5. So how does an employee know when it’s really, truly time to move on—and not a temporary sentiment that will…

Top 3 Interview Questions

When preparing for an interview there a certain questions that you can guarantee will be asked and there’s no reason not to have an answer ready.  Not only is it a good idea to have an answer prepared to these top 3 interview questions, but make sure you are comfortable giving your response.  Practice your…