
Resume Distribution: Save Time Job Searching

Job seekers everywhere are trying to find new and innovative ways to improve their job search efforts. In an economy where unemployment is rising, companies are cutting back, fewer businesses than usual are starting up and downsizing is the norm, there are more people searching for work than there has been in quite a while. Families are tightening their belts and spending less, while trying to reduce debt they accumulated when the economy was good. More and more people who depend on commission are finding that their household income has dropped significantly. Many households that had a stay at home parent are now faced with that person needing to return to the workforce in order to make ends meet. For all these reasons and more, competition in the job market is fierce.

Resume distribution is one of those relatively new services that developed along with the rise in Internet use for finding jobs. Today’s job seekers use the Internet almost exclusively in their job search efforts. There are online job boards that are updated in real time with new jobs as they become available. Professional recruiting services all have web sites and do much of their work online. Individual company websites list job openings, as do online classifieds and many other sites. For the job seeker however, visiting all the possibly pertinent sites and posting your resume can be extremely time consuming.

That’s where resume distribution services come into play. In exchange for paying a small but reasonable fee, a resume distribution service will blast your resume to multiple sites at once. They will target hundreds and possibly even thousands of recruiting firms, corporations, hospitals, large businesses and other employers. This helps to save an incredible amount of time in your job search because you reach a huge number of possible employers at once. It is an especially useful option for anyone who is looking for any job that comes along and fast. The downside is that you have no say in where your resume is sent and it may or may not end up helping you get a job.

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To overcome the problems associated with widely blasting a resume, targeted resume distribution services began. While basically the same as the regular resume distribution service, the targeted one gives you the option of selecting who will receive your resume. You can narrow down the recipients according to industry, salary level, position types and more. You even have the option of specifying the companies and recruiters you truly want to have your resume. While a much more effective way of finding a job you actually want, this service is more costly than the original resume distribution service.

If you are out of a job or simply looking for a new one, put technology to work for you. Select the type of resume distribution service that fits your needs and get started. In no time your job search will be wide open and you’ll be on the fast track to being amongst the newly employed.

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