E-Mail Your Way to a New Job
The best way to reach out to as many friends and colleges as possible is through e-mail. Sit down and make a list of every single person you can think of who is in your inner circle. If you do not have their e-mail address then you should call them and get it from them.
Once you have compiled your e-mail list you should then write up a small letter explaining that you are in fact looking for work and be sure to attach your resume to the e-mail. Blast that out to everyone regardless of what industry they are in.
What will happen is that your friends and colleges, who may not even be in the same industry as you, may in fact know someone in their group of friends and colleagues who is in your industry. So essentially you will get your resume e-mailed to many others besides who you initially blast it out to.
It only takes that one right person to see your resume, give you an interview, and then hire you, but if they never get to see your resume how will they ever find out about you? While you may not know who that perfect person is that doesn’t mean that someone you know doesn’t. Your dream job may be closer than you think and only an e-mail away. It may just be someone in your inner circle who can get you the opportunity you need and you can then take care of the rest.
This is so true. The last two jobs I’ve had were through connections – it’s almost like you have to know someone to get your foot in the door these days. Good point about networking with all friends. Just because your friend isn’t in your field doesn’t mean they don’t have connections that could prove to be useful.