Education in Lieu of Experience in the Job Market
If you need specific experience that you have not had in your work history, but may have had in class curriculum, either in college or some other form of training, be sure to include it in your resume. Also be sure to include it in your cover letter and relate it specifically to the job you’re applying for. Often education can make up for experience. Don’t be afraid to list things that you may not think are relevant, the potential employer may find that your educational experience is a bonus and may prove to be to their benefit. For recent college graduates, it’s a given that you won’t have the work experience that a seasoned professional would have. Don’t let that deter you; employers expect that you may not have work experience. Make sure you let them know what you have studied that is pertinent to the job for which you are applying. Don’t simply put your degree title, break down in your resume and cover letter exactly how it applies to the job and how it will help you meet their needs.
Highlighting your education when you’re lacking experience can give you an edge when job hunting that you may not otherwise have. Be sure to promote all of the skills you gained in school in the same way you would promote professional experience. Doing so may just land you the job!
I’ve been wanting to switch careers and have been taking evening classes to start my transition. That’s a great suggestion to highlight that in my resume. Thanks!
This is a crock. I have tried highlighting my education for 14 years to no avail.