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Five Jobs where you Can Make a Living without a College Degree

Finding a job without a degree is not always easy. In this economy, you may end up fighting for jobs with underemployed college graduates. Fortunately, there are many jobs that only require a high school diploma. Here are five jobs that any high school graduate can apply for.


A chef is someone who prepares food for others to consume. While an advanced degree is helpful, it is not necessary. Many chefs are self taught. They can often apply for a job based on their ability to prepare tasty dishes for a restaurant owner. Chefs are in great demand as more and more people turn to prepared foods rather than cooking at home.

Corrections Officer

Corrections officers supervise prisoners. A corrections officer is typically responsible for making sure that prisons run smoothly. Many prisons are located in rural areas, making this job ideal for someone who lives far from bigger cities. Potential corrections officers must have a high school diploma. They must then complete training and pass physical fitness tests. Officers get paid time off and a pension when they retire.


Firefighters put out fires. Firefighters also rescue people and animals who are trapped in a burning building. A firefighter must be physically fit and capable of carrying a certain weight. In order to become a firefighter, one must typically have a high school diploma and then pass physical fitness tests and training. Many firefighters retire with a pension after only two decades on the job. The firefighter is then free to find another job to supplement his pension. This job does come with it’s risks though, remember to research the health risks of any job before deciding whether it is right for you.

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Mailmen collect and sort mail each day. The mailman checks each piece of mail to make sure it is on his specific route and thus can be delivered to the intended person. Mailmen are assigned a specific series of houses or apartments where he must bring the mail each day. Mailman are hired by the United States government. All candidates need for the job is a high school diploma. The job provides steady work, paid holidays and a pension.

Truck Driver

Truck drivers haul items from one place to another using fleet trucks or other large vehicles. Many companies will hire applicants to drive a truck with only a high school diploma and a state truck driving license. Many companies that hire truck drivers offer paid holidays and a retirement pension. There are pros and cons to this job. Although they are paid well, a driver will spend days at a time away from home and family.

A job is a necessity for most people. Finding one can take time and effort. With the cost of college rising and the risk of not being able to pay off student debt, some people are deciding to jump straight into a career rather than go to school. Luckily, even if you only have a high school diploma, you can still find many excellent employment opportunities.


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