
Five Jobs with Awesome Perks

Job perks are something everyone wants from an employer. Some perks are very simple like free sports drinks or an on-site gym. Others are much more elaborate. Some careers automatically come with perks because of the nature of the work. There are five jobs available with awesome perks.Five Jobs with Awesome Perks

Cruise Staff

Cruise lines have many different types of employees onboard from activities directors to maintenance staff and cooks. One of the main perks from these types of careers is that employees get to spend days, weeks or even months sailing through some of the most beautiful areas in the world. Employees can see different parts of the world depending on the cruise line although the work is tough and time off the ship in an exotic port might be limited or not permitted at all.

Golf Course Maintenance

Golf courses require a large amount of maintenance in order to remain groomed and ready for play. Landscape maintenance employees have the unique perk of being able to play golf whenever the course is not in use or even on days off in certain locations. Some maintenance personnel become so good at golfing that they even use advanced clubs or order custom balls from places like http://www.golfmotion.com.au/custom-made-golf-balls. Golfing is a fun perk although it is also seasonal in many areas.

Flight Attendant

Flight attendants have some unique perks. The first is that many attendants travel extensively and spend one or more days in new cities every month. This includes cities overseas. Another perk is that certain companies provide attendants with free airfare to anywhere the airline visits. This can even be extended to friends and family in some cases. The expense of this perk is spending long weeks away from home.

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Ushers watch the seats at many different venues from concert halls and stadiums to movie theaters. The ushers take care of the customers watching the show. One of the best perks ushers have is being able to watch whatever is happening at the venue for free. Movie theater ushers can see new movies free throughout the year. Concert ushers can watch entire performances live often from a prime location at the venue.


Bartenders have perks that anyone who is social and likes to go out would enjoy. Bartenders spend a large amount of time socializing with people. They also have unlimited access to the items at the bar to make drinks. Bartenders in upscale locations or large cities might get to know celebrities. Some even get to watch exclusive live performances given in the bar.

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