Hit the Streets and Find a Job
To start with, you will want to print off about 20 resumes. Then you will need to get dressed and be sure that you are dressing to impress. Lastly, you need to hit the streets. You can drive to strip malls, plazas, or pre-plan your route and drive to various businesses in order to get the job done.
When you go into the reception area of a business, walk up, smile, and then ask to speak with a manager. If the person you are speaking with says the manager is not available, then hand them one of your resumes and ask them nicely if they would please give it to their manager when they are free.
If you do get to speak to a manger, then smile, shake their hand, introduce yourself, and hand them one of your resumes. Explain that you are actively seeking employment and that you thought their company would be a good fit for you.
The end result may be an interview on the spot or at the very least some considerations down the road if you leave a good impression. Either way, you will be putting a face with a name instead of just sending in one of probably one hundred random resumes that the business gets each and every week.