
How to Become an Electrician & the Benefits of Doing It

If you wish to become an electrician then industry-recognised training and qualifications are required. It is practical job which also involves careful mental proficiency in a number of areas. Fitting, repairing and inspecting electrical circuits will constitute the main part of your job, most likely to be in residential or business addresses indoors. The importance of safety rules and regulations is another aspect you must be conscious of; electrical accidents are common in the UK and you can be held responsible for inadequate work.

How to Become an Electrician

There are a few routes into becoming a qualified electrician in the UK. Because there are different facets to electrical work there are various courses which offer different types of qualification. The very basic requirements however are that you are simply physically fit and not colour blind.

For school leavers looking to go down this career path, the most common way in is to enroll onto an apprenticeship scheme. This will be a work-based scheme where a trainee attends a college course whilst also being employed part-time by a willing company. This combination of theory and practical work gives youngsters a great chance to learn their trade. Older applicants, perhaps looking for a career change, can also go down this route, although pay at this level is reduced. Training is thorough and can take between 3-5 years in most cases.

In terms of qualifications, having industry recognized awards will give you the chance to become employed either as a self-contractor or as part of a company. Reaching level 3 standard with the following diplomas is a typical necessity:

  • Electrical Installations (Buildings and Structures) if part of an Apprenticeship
  • Electrotechnical Services (Electrical Maintenance)
  • Installing Electrotechnical Systems & Equipment (Buildings, Structures and the Environment)
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For more advanced electrical work such as installing solar panels or training to become an assessor, further education in these particular subject fields will be required. You will find an array of different courses online and via your local college combined with information explaining which educational route is best to go down.

The Benefits of Becoming an Electrician

If you’re more of a practical worker and perhaps not suited to academic tasks then going down the electrician route can be an astute career choice. Some people do not like the idea of being stuck behind a desk all day so the more active and intuitive tasks involved in the trade are more preferable.

Further advantages are that, due to our ever-increasing reliance of electrical goods and stricter health and safety regulations, the demand for electricians remains high. As older workers begin to retire then more spaces should fill up also within the industry also.

Another highly beneficial reason behind becoming an electrician is the fact that the skills learned will help you out personally. Any problems with electrical goods in the home can be fixed and safeguarded by yourself without the need to pay for an outside service.

For more information on becoming an electrician, what you need and what to do, you can look online at these sites:

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