How to Find a Job Even in the Toughest Economy

Finding a job in a tough economy certainly isn’t easy. With all of the competition from other job seekers and not enough job openings to go around, many people end up finding themselves unemployed for far too long, and their savings accounts begin to get smaller and smaller as they resort to digging into them in order to get by.

If you find yourself in this type of situation, it’s time to put your creative thinking cap on. Forget about sending your drab cookie cutter resume and your standard cover letter to prospective employers. There’s no better time than now to think outside the box to land the job you need.

Clean Up and Use Your Social Media Pages

Make sure your social media pages are made public for all to see and clean up any status updates or photographs that are questionable and that employers should never see. Then use those pages to advertise yourself and your skills. Make yourself an expert in your field by continually offering insight and advice to your followers, start a blog on which you can show off your knowledge and then share it on your social media pages, and maybe even purchase an ad on Facebook that says “hire me.” You’d be surprised by how many employers search through social media in hopes of finding the best candidate for the job.

Let People Know You’re Looking

You never know who knows the right people and who can eventually hook you up with a job opening that you qualify for, so let your professional network, as well as your friends and family, know that you’re looking for work. There’s absolutely no need to feel ashamed in admitting this fact, and if they keep their eyes and ears open, they may be able to point you in the right direction.

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Make Cold Calls

Even if you don’t see job openings advertised for companies that you wish to work for, contact them anyway with your resume and cover letter to let them know why you want to work for them and that you would love it if they held onto your information in the event a job opening does occur. You may be pleasantly surprised that these employers are willing to hold onto your information or there may be openings that they haven’t advertised.

Volunteer for an Organization

Somewhat like an internship, a volunteer opportunity can help you get your foot in the door of a company you really want to work for, especially if you’re hoping to gain employment in the non-profit sector. Use your time to prove your skills and network with the right individuals in the organization.

Work with a Job Placement Agency

Job placement agencies are a great tool for those who are desperate to be placed in a job within their chosen field. Although you may only receive temporary positions at first, they’re certainly better than nothing and they may eventually lead to full-time gigs. Professional recruiting staff members know how to analyze your skill set and match you with job openings that are a great fit.

Daniel Cleaver is a freelance blogger who knows how hard it can be to find employment when the economy is struggling. By using the right resources both online and off, you can dramatically increase the odds of finding a great position that you qualify for. So forget about looking through the job ads and get creative.

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