
Increase Your Business Blog’s SEO Juice With These Six Easy Methods

Increase Your Business Blogs SEO Juice with These 5 Easy Practicle Steps There are many marketing solutions that a blogger can use to improve their blog’s authority and pagerank, and by using a combination of these techniques, a blogger can swiftly drive their blog to the top of the rankings of the search engines.

Choosing Keyword Phrases

A blogger should target certain keyword phrases that can deliver a large amount of traffic to the blog, yet, these keyword phrases should have relatively low levels of competition.

Consistently Posting New Content

Since Google’s two major algorithm updates, which are called Penguin and Panda, consistently posting high quality content on a website has become more important than ever.

The more often a blogger posts new content, the higher the blog will rank for targeted keywords.

Establishing High Quality Backlinks

A website owner should build as many high quality backlinks as possible on other websites that are in the same niche, and the website owner should use targeted keyword phrases as the anchor texts of these links.

The higher the pagerank of the website on which a backlink is established, the more authoritative the backlink will be.

Social Media Optimization

A website owner should create profiles for their website or blog on various social media networks, and the owner should consistently post links to new blog posts, various images and videos on these networks.

Social media users can easily share a page that is about the blog with many of their friends on the networks, and by sharing the profile or the page of the blog, these users can drive a large amount of new traffic to the website.

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Web Directories

Many website owners no longer add their websites to web directories; however, neglecting this vital strategy can cause a website to lose a large amount of traffic.

Web directories are frequently crawled by bots from the search engines that are looking for high quality websites, and when adding a website to a directory, the website owner can add a short description of the website and choose several categories to place the website’s URL in.

Positive Reviews

Since the algorithm updates, Google has been focusing on driving websites that have received many positive reviews to the front pages of the search engines.

A website owner can respond to any negative reviews and offer to take any steps that are necessary to fix the situation and to convince the person who wrote the negative review to delete the review.

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