Job Search – Find What is Right for You Online

Searching for a job used to mean you had to go buy half dozen newspapers and get your black Sharpie out for a good old circle and x session. Then you had to call places and follow up with going to these places and filling out an application and or drop off your resume. Not anymore.

With the advent of the Internet, now finding jobs in your area that interest you are a few short clicks away. Now I know for many of you this may seem difficult, but in reality it is extremely easy. Just go to Google or Yahoo and type in ‘Job Search’ in the search bar and boom, you will be hit with a flurry of choices.

Scroll through and read about many of the online job sites, such as and, and see what they have to offer. Most online jobsites are free to join and free to upload your resume. Now not only can you look for a job, but prospective employers can find you as well. While at the online job search site of your choice, you can browse for jobs in and around your area. Many times you can apply online and upload your resume to the job you are interested in; it really is that simple.

If you insist on sticking with the newspaper, you can always go to your local newspaper’s website. Many local papers, like mine, have a job search section within their websites that are the same postings you will find in the regular paper. Print some or all of them out and grab your Sharpie. If nothing else, I just saved you the hassle and gas it takes to drive to get your local paper.

See also  Job Hunting? Don’t Forget to Follow-Up!

Even though the job environment is a bit sketchy these days, the Internet makes your job search a whole lot easier. With all the free resources available, your dream job is just waiting to be found, so go find it.

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