Love the Ocean? Here Are Some Ideas for Maritime Jobs

Marine careers are interesting and so far apart from anything else in the world. Perhaps it’s the fact most of these jobs are based around water and you’ll be spending most of your time out at sea. Maybe it’s the fact you get to be outdoors for the majority of the time, or perhaps it’s the isolation you feel knowing that you’re so far from civilisation. Whatever your reasons for falling in love with the ocean, here are a couple of job choices that will help feed your love for the ocean.

Marine Biology

If you love science and want to dive into the depths of the ocean, then marine biology is a top choice for you. You’ll get to study life in the ocean, pick samples, film videos, take pictures, and even swim with some majestic sea creatures. A once in a lifetime opportunity for someone will become your daily sight while you work, so only apply if you absolutely adore the ocean. As a marine biologist is essentially a scientist, it’s a lot about creative thinking and sharing ideas with fellow scientists. However, diving can be a dangerous activity and although your employer will most likely cover your medical expenses should anything go wrong, it’s never a bad idea to get in touch with a maritime accident lawyer so that if you do end up in an accident, you can simply call them once you’ve recovered and start a compensation claim.

Scuba Diving Instructor

Scuba diving is a fun and touristy attraction that reels in many people from across the world. It’s the perfect job for someone who loves to entertain people and also show off their diving skills. As an instructor, you’re going to need to practice some patience with new divers and you’ll also need a very outgoing personality if you want to teach others how to dive. With your diving skills, you may even receive requests from publications to take pictures of specific creatures or objects, meaning it has the ability to turn into an underwater photography career.

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Underwater Photography

Ever wondered where all those beautiful underwater images come from? They’re often taken by divers with highly specific cameras that make things look perfect in the water. An underwater photographer typically works freelance and sells the images to magazine publications or internet websites, but they sometimes work directly with scientists and researchers as well. Starting up as a freelance underwater photographer is difficult and expensive, but well worth the money should you invest time and effort into it.


There’s nothing quite like protecting your country from threats at sea. Being in the Navy not only requires strength and discipline, but also a very good knack for teamwork. Army ships can have hundreds of crew members, and each and everyone has a role to play when being operated. In addition to becoming a soldier, there are also more technical roles such as working at computers, navigational equipment and even research. The army has a lot of versatile job roles, but they are all related to the ocean.

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