
Nursing Resume Tips

In today’s current economy there a very few recession proof jobs and if you can find one, you are in a good spot. The job market is in flux and there are many people vying for those jobs that will make them feel secure. Nursing is one career that has a secure hold in the job market and will most likely never be in danger.

The problem is, many people are going after these jobs for that reason and hoping to secure a future where they won’t have to worry about lay-offs. The best way to get a nursing job is to have a good nursing resume to make you stand out from all of the rest of the applicants going for the same positions.

The competition is fierce, and having a resume that will not only stand out but shows how valuable you are to the organization you are applying to will help you get the job. In order for this to become a reality, you need to follow a few tips and guidelines to ensure your place amongst the many others.

The first step is to look into the company you are applying to see what specific areas they are looking for. If you find that they are looking for pediatric nurses with expertise in certain areas, then tailor your resume to that field to be more appealing to the interviewer.

If you are just sending out a general resume, keep in mind the following points:


The first thing a potential employer wants to see is your educational background. This includes the name of the school at which you studied as well as what degree(s) you earned. You will also want to list any academic honors, your GPA and any awards or scholarships you were awarded.

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Nurses will need to provide their current license information including the date it was issued and the state where it was obtained. This is perhaps the most important part of your entire resume. You will be asked for a copy of your actual license when being interviewed or offered the job so there is no need to post a license number on your resume.


The best way to catch the eye of a potential employer is to list your skills in a bulleted style. This should include any areas of expertise and any skills you have in certain areas. Be sure to list the years of experience you have with each particular skill.

If you are fresh out of nursing school, this area should list any clinical rotations or mentorship’s you took part in.


If you have prior nursing experience, then your resume should list, in detail, your previous job as well as any accolades you may have received. Listing the type of facilities you worked for is also a good idea when applying to a similar facility or to a completely different type of facility to show your experience.

It is also important to list any extra curricular activities you were a part of in school as well as in the workplace. This can include any committees, programs, or special educational classes you took part in. The more activities you can list, the better chance you have in impressing the interviewer with your skill and dedication.

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