resume writing

On the Job Hunt – Brush up Your Resume

job-hunt Whether you are currently unemployed or employed, if you are on the job hunt you need to be sure that your resume is up to the challenge. Many people will use a resume that they have not dusted off in years when attempting to find a job and this is a mistake that can end up costing you big time.

Before you start blasting out your resume to the world you need to be sure that it is not only written well, but that it is up to date as well. This starts with making sure that all of your contact information is in fact correct. This sounds like a no brainer, but you may be surprised as to how many people actually use outdated information on their resumes simply because they did not think to check it over before they sent it out.

Once you have established that all of your contact and personal info is up to date, look at the resume itself. You may read it over and find that it is still as great as you remember and you may also look it over and say, “What the heck was I thinking when I wrote this?” By carefully looking over your resume it gives you an opportunity to add or subtract things that will help the resume read stronger.

Lastly and most importantly, edit your resume over and over again. Spelling and grammar errors will sink your chances of landing a job faster than a ship with holes in the hull. If spelling and grammar are not your forte, then find someone who is good with that sort of stuff and ask for their help.

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Once you feel that your resume is back up to par and ready to go out, read it over one last time. While all this precaution may seem like overkill, when it comes to landing the perfect job, you can never be too careful.

Compare resume builders to get an affordable, great looking resume.

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