
Out in the Real World: Six of The Fastest Growing – and Best Paying Careers for Graduates

6 Best Paying Careers For Graduates

Today’s new college graduates are looking for jobs in a tough job market. Savvy college graduates, though, will target their job search to launch a career in a fast growing area. Read on below for six of the fastest growing and top paying careers for today’s new graduates.



Dental school is a medical program that requires four more years of education after college, but dentists will tell you that this reliable position is more in demand than ever before. Today’s baby boomers need a great deal of costly dental work while nationally, parents continue to take their children for cleanings, braces and more.



Have the gift of gab? College graduates capable of chatting up anyone can build lucrative careers in sales across a variety of industries. This career can take salesmen across the country or provide a great set of skills that will transfer to a management role later on.



Banking is an enormous industry in the United States. New college graduates with degrees in finance, accounting, economics and even statistics can start careers in some of the top financial institutions in the world. Starting positions can include client facing roles, such as being a teller or more quantitative ones, such as research on potential investments.



The accounting profession has enjoyed a huge surge in demand since the landmark Sarbanes-Oxley Act was passed over ten years ago. As a result, new college graduates with degrees in accounting are highly sought after by public accounting firms and by corporate finance departments.


Software Developer

All those apps on smartphones are written by software developers, and today’s graduates with degrees in computer science are uniquely positioned to use cutting edge coding techniques to write the next popular app.

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An actuary is responsible for helping insurance companies calculate rates. Sounds simple, but these calculations are complex enough that college graduates with degrees in mathematical areas, such as statistics, are in high demand.

Doing research on what fields are growing today and are predicted to grow tomorrow can help graduates succeed. Be imaginative and keep and open mind while considering which career path to pursue. Work with a recruiter or a career adviser to make the most of your degree that will be the key to your dream job.


This article was co-written with Jessie Flesner, a freelance writer in New Albany, Indiana. She often writes about the dental industry for www.pdentalinc.com.

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