Promoting Your Education in Your Job Search
Your resume should always include your educational background. Whether that’s a technical certificate or a PhD, use it to your advantage in your resume. State clearly where you were educated, what year, and the specifics. For example, to indicate a Masters Degree, make sure you include the college, the year you graduated, and the field of study. For a certificate, it’s important to include exactly what it’s for. Don’t be vague. Include everything from what it’s for to what version. And if you’ve had any additional education during your career, be sure to include that, especially if you’ve been out of school for many years. Depending on the position you’re applying for, it can also be beneficial to include your education in your cover letter. If the job you’re applying for requires a special technical certificate or degree, make sure the employer doesn’t have to search to verify that you meet the requirements.
Education is often vital to specific jobs or positions. Make sure you not only meet those requirements, but that you also highlight them in your resume and cover letter when sending in your application.
good point – I think so many of use focus on work experience we can overlook the importance of education.