Red Flags Boss Doesn't Have Your Best Interests At Heart

Red Flags: Boss Doesn’t Have Your Best Interests At Heart

Whether you’ve just started in a new role or you’ve been with the same company for years, there are some crucial telltale signs about bad bosses you need to recognize. A bad boss could come in a variety of shapes and forms, ranging from micromanager to temperamental leader. But, more often than not, employees can find smart ways of outgrowing their bad bosses. However, when your boss is putting you at risk, whether it affects your career, your health, or your finances, you need to be quick to react. A boss that doesn’t have your best interests at heart can cause a lot of damage. These are the red flags that help you spot a careless boss: 

No or little workplace H&S

Very few workplaces get their office design entirely right. But your boss doesn’t need to introduce nap pods and in-house yoga rooms to make things right by you. As an employer, you have the right to expect a safe environment where you can work without fearing getting injured by loose wiring, slippery floors, or unmaintained machinery. Accidents, unfortunately, are still too frequent. Not every boss takes health & safety assessments seriously, which can have dramatic consequences. If you have been injured in a freak work accident, you need to consider your next step. First of all, it’s a good idea to contact an attorney to discuss compensation. But, you also need to consider your professional choices: is this the company you want to go back to after your recovery?

No relocation guidance what-so-ever

There is nothing more exciting than landing your dream job, even if it is abroad. More and more companies are looking for English-speaking professionals for their global offices, which is why you might find yourself interviewing for a job in Paris, São Paulo, or Dubai. However, you should expect your boss to help you sort out the move abroad. A relocation package that includes money and guidance can make all the difference. A boss who leaves it to you to arrange your legal move abroad probably doesn’t care about making things easy or convenient for you. 

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No training or self-growth opportunity

Every job should come with additional training. Your boss can’t expect you to train yourself in your spare time. Training options and programs are an essential part of a successful business strategy. A boss who takes no interest in your training doesn’t provide a platform for professional growth. 

No one-to-one meeting

How do you know how you’re doing in your role? 

One-to-one meetings with your manager are detrimental to your personal success in the job. It is the perfect opportunity for you to discuss elements that confuse you or things that you want to improve. However, when your boss doesn’t organize feedback appointments, it can be tricky to figure out what you could do better. A boss who doesn’t have time for you is not looking out for you. While you can find feedback in other places and take it upon yourself to reach out to your manager, it’s not always easy to judge your performance without input. 

You don’t have to like your boss. But you have the right to expect support from your manager. It’s the person directly responsible for your personal growth, professional progression, and wellbeing. A boss who doesn’t care doesn’t only cause frustration but also endangers you. 

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