
Tips for Editing Your Resume

When you’re looking for a new job, your resume is arguably the most important part of your application process. Many job-seekers focus on interviewing skills, which are very important. But in order to land that coveted interview, your resume has to speak for you.

Your resume is your potential employer’s first impression of you. More than likely, an assistant or human resources professional will quickly scan your resume. If your resume doesn’t grab their attention in those few moments, they probably won’t be calling you. It’s sad, but it’s true.

Then why does it seem like so many job-seekers miss out on opportunities that are awarded to applicants who may or may not be more qualified? The secret is in the resume. Learning how to write a professional, impressive resume that highlights your qualifications is the secret to landing your next job.

If you’re editing your own resume for your next job-search, here are few resume editing tips to make your resume shine.

Resume Editing Tip #1: Use Proper Grammar and Spelling

It may sound obvious, but it’s important that your resume is well-written and grammatically correct. Always give your resume several proof reads, or better yet, have someone else read it, before sending it off to ensure there are no grammatical or spelling errors or run-on sentences.

Resume Editing Tip #2: Be Consistent

It’s also important to be consistent in the formatting of your resume. For example, don’t use bullet points in one section and numbers in another. Also, use a consistent format for dates. Don’t spell out the date in one section—September 9, 2007—and abbreviate it in another—9/9/07. Your resume should be pleasing to the eye.

Resume Editing Tip #3: Give them the Information They Want

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If a potential employer has to thumb through your lengthy resume to find your qualifications, it may end up in the shredder. Present your best qualifications right up front. List your skills and experience in the first few lines

Resume Editing Tip #4: How Much is Too Much

We’ve all heard that resumes should only be one page in length. It’s okay to include a little extra information in there, but this is generally a good guideline to stick with. Multi-page resumes can be overwhelming. If you can find a way to fit all of your best information on one page, that’s the way to go.

Resume Editing Tip #5: Don’t Give Them Information They Don’t Need

In an effort to fill up space, job-seekers sometimes put unnecessary information on their resumes. High school information, personal information like your race or marital status, and interests or hobbies shouldn’t appear on your resume. Also, references should also be presented on a separate sheet that you’ll bring to the interview and not your resume.

Resume Editing Tip #6: State Your Objective

Let the employer know that you’re interested in their company for a very specific reason. Use the objective section of your resume to state your purpose for applying for this position. Sometimes this section alone can put you ahead of the pack.

In general, resumes should be prepared with care. They should be thoughtfully proofread, updated, and tailored to each position. If you put time and effort into your resume, the chances are good that your potential employer will take the time to give it careful consideration.

Review the top online resume editing services.

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