Resumes Planet Reviews

Resumes Planet certified resume writers will provide you with a professionally-written resume that emphasizes your strong points. They know exactly what employers are looking for and can provide you the resume you need to be noticed.

Resumes Planet is a one stop shop for anything resume related. While the main services of the company are pay services, they do offer a wide variety of services that are free as well. Depending on what your resume needs are, Resumes Planet claims that they have a plan that will suit you.

Resume Planet’s main objective is of course to have you purchase a service or two from them as they are after all in business to make money. However, they do offer free interview tips for the asking. These tips cover a wide range of what to do as well as what not to do when you sit down with a potential employer. Additionally, they offer a free list of the top ten job sites. You can use this list to help you determine what sites will be best for you to post your resume to.

As for their pay services, they do much more than simply write resumes. They also have services that cover CV writing, cover letter writing, help with your KSA’s, and even follow-up and thank you letters.

Resumes Planet offers a unique approach to working with a resume writer. They have their own messaging system in which you can communicate directly with the writer who is assigned to your project so there is never any waiting around for an e-mail to be answered.

See also  Great Resumes Fast Review

The company has a three step approach to getting your project completed in a timely manner which is as follows:

1.    Fill out an order form.
2.    Get all your information that pertains to your career to Resume Planet.
3.    Get your resume or other information in a timely manner.

After your resume or other project is complete, the company even offers you help with resume distribution. After all, what good is a great looking resume if nobody sees it?

Resumes Planet offer a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee and if you are not getting the results you want, they will re-work any project for you until you do for up to 30 days past the project completion. They also have a toll free number for those in the United States to call as well as an international number for United Kingdom customer support. No matter where you reside, you can also take advantage of their live chat on a 24/7 basis.

Resumes Planet is a member of the CPRW, which stands for Certified Professional Resume Writers, so the writers that they have on staff should in theory, be some of the best in the resume writing industry. The company is also partners with some of the biggest names in job finding websites such as Hot Jobs, Career Builders, and

A big perk with Resumes Planet is the fact that they also offer a discount if you buy multiple services. This can prove helpful if you are looking for a company that offers more than just resume writing.

Read reviews of more resume writing services.

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  1. I didn’t have much of a resume before I contacted Resumes Planet. They took some additional information from me and wrote a really great resume for me. They cost a little less than other companies so I wasn’t sure what to expect. I’m really happy with the results and would definitely recommend them!

  2. Resume writing was okay but the cover letter was terrible. Don\’t even try to make suggestions on what they send you as you will be on your own. I called to express my concern with the service and all I got was a take it or leave it. Please don\’t make the same mistake I did, save your money, write your own resume and cover letter.

  3. my resumesplanet writer did a good job on my new resume. she made me sound like a completely different person.

  4. I spent a week researching resume writing services and evaluating services and price before settling on Resume Planet. This was the worst decision of my life.

    I paid the extra $50 for 48 hour service and Resume Planet seemed not to even try to hit that deadline. After 52 hours, I contact them and they asked me for an extension. I gave them another 4 hours and after that time was up, they asked me for more time. Nearly an entire day later, they finally sent me my resume.

    The resume was so poorly written I was shocked it took them an extra day to write it. The writer clearly didn’t speak American English as a first language and based on the terminology used, clearly was out of touch with US businesses.

    In addition, their were mis-capitalized words, typos, clear spelling mistakes and obvious grammatical mistakes. All of these were caught by my version of Word, so the resume clearly wasn’t even given a shred of a proofread.

    Don’t use them. Trust me.

  5. Thanks for helping me out with my resume. Overall I thought the service was excellent and I really appreciate how fast you got back to me with answers to my questions. I took the resume to professors to look at and one remarked it was the one of the best ones she had seen. This made me feel great about my new resume. Thanks again and I\’ll use your service again when I need a resume in the future.

  6. My resume looks fantastic. It almost doesn’t even sound like me. My resume writer took my basic information and crafted a truly professional sounding document from it. I would highly recommend this service to anyone needing a top notch resume.

  7. I ordered my resume with them and I even did not get one interview when I called them they did changed their promises at the time of ordering and when I talked to the manager I felt I am talking to the wall.As soon as they get money they forget all their promises.I never recommand them.

  8. DO NOT USE THIS SERVICE! I ordered a resume and no one even contacted me about any information. All they did was change the format of my previous resume and changed a few words. They have terrible customer service and false advertisement. I do not recommend to anyone! CHOSE A DIFFERENT RESUME SERVICE!!!

  9. I can only guess that the positive reviews of this service were planted by company empoyees, b/c I had an awful experience with them.

    My resume looks worse now than it did before I hired them. The resume that did was so bad – it had typos, poor grammar, run-on sentences. I agree with the reviewer who stated that it seemed like the writer did not speak English as a first language. You can have revisions done for up to 30 days, but the company would not let another writer work on my resume. I asked for 1 revision and it was still really, really bad since it was the same terrible writer that did my orginal resume. Why bother to get revisions from someone who clearly is not a good writer?

    Huge waste of time and money!

  10. I filled out the form online and THEN read the reviews and was very worried. I looked at resumegroup first and then decided to use Resumeplanet, BIG mistake. I called Customer Service with in 30 minutes of placing my order and request to cancel. It took me 12 times of asking to cancel my order. The rep was not even letting me talk. She would talk over me offering to give me an account credit for my next visit or 10% off. It was nothing but frustrating. Finally she said she would request a refund, but didn’t want to send me anything stating she was giving me a refund. I had to tell her i was not getting off the phone unil i recieve an email stating i was getting a refund. I felt it was important to get a refund right away as i picked the rush – 24 hour return of the resume, so if they send me a resume i would get no refund.

    DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY. they are not easy to deal with.

  11. Don’t use this company. Extremely unprofessional and all they’re really aiming for is your money.

    After buying their resume-building and job-forwarding service, I was concerned regarding some of the reviews about this company. I left a message to my resume writer via their website, but I still haven’t gotten a response. When I called them to cancel and refund my order, it felt like I was talking to a teenager and all they kept doing was trying to buy time to get something out to me before the deadline so they can say I received my product. When I called my bank to halt the charges, they said they were declined because they were charged from ANOTHER country and it raised flags on their side. I thought Resume Planet was based in CA?

    I don’t trust them period, based on other reviews and my experience. I’d definitely look elsewhere for a peace of mind.

  12. This is the worst company I have dealt with in years. They got me my resume when promised, and it was well written for content, but it was not spell checked prior to sending and the mistakes were glaring. One of the first headings was area of expertise. Four times, on different versions, they spelled this epxertise.

    They even spelled available wrong when I pointed this ouf to them several times. What really irritated me was when the cust. service rep told me that expertise could be spelled epxertise. He stated this was an acceptable spelling.

    If you use this service, make damn sure you proof read your resumeprior to sending this out. I have the entire e-mail chain and will be glad to send it to you if you request it.

    Use a lot of caution with this company, they are not very good.

  13. What a disaster it has been dealing with these people. I ordered my resume 8 days ago, paid the extra money to have it expedited in 2 days. I am no closer to receiving my resume as I was when I ordered it. The writer failed to follow my instructions and had to seek a revision and that’s where the fun began. No less than a dozen telephone calls and I don’t know how many emails later I thought I was going to get this behind me. Not to be. Resume Planet has missed 3 deadlines (they call it deadlines but nothing could be more artificial) citing that the writer needs more time. After missing the last deadline over 30 hours ago, I attempted to receive a refund for the service I never received. But that hasn’t happened either because they are going through a “system update” and can’t access the system. This system update has been on gong for the past 14 hours and every time I call I am told to contact them in 2-3 hours. BUYER BEWARE… TERRIBLE COMPANY… TERRIBLE SERVICE… NO RESULTS.

  14. Everything they did for me was a disaster. The resume was loaded with spelling & grammar mistakes, the job descriptions included responsibilities that were made up by the writer (i.e. the content was crap), and I was given professional qualifications I honestly did NOT have. The worst resume and cover letter I’ve EVER seen and my experience the same as posted here by Shelton. The only thing this company does well is take your money.

  15. Total scam! Charged me right away, paid for the expedited service, no email, no call, can’t log in, only get a busy signal when I try to call or a disconnected message on a secondary number! Disputing with my bank and filing a complaint with the BBB!

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