Successful Interviewing Techniques For Candidates

Successful Interviewing Techniques: For Candidates

Got a job interview coming up? You can guarantee your prospective employers will be brushing up on their interviewing skills as you read this.

But, never forget that the interview process is a two-way street. It’s just as much an opportunity for you to find out about them as it is for them to know more about you.

Here are some excellent ideas that you should employ the next time you have an interview. They will help you look the part, too, as good employers love participants who can converse – and ask the right questions.

Dig deep

Make sure you find out a little about the company that is interviewing you. It’s a vital thing to do before any interview, but it will also give you an idea of what to ask your prospective employers. Find out where your role and department fits into the wider organization. Ask questions to understand the workflow a little better. Some companies, for example, use their marketing as a direction for the sales process, or vice versa. It will give you a great indication of how your role is placed in terms of importance.

Inquire about past employees

Your interviewers won’t give you any personal details about the person you are replacing. But, that isn’t to stop you asking some relevant questions. For example, you can ask how many times the job has changed hands in the past five years. If it is a position with high turnover, there is likely to be an issue somewhere.

Ask about benefits

Don’t be shy about asking for salary and benefits that are on offer. Good companies who hire the best people will expect it – and you have the right to know what’s on the table. Do some homework beforehand, too. You might try finding out about the benefits of another company in the same industry, for example. Not only will it help you form expectations, but it will also reveal how serious the company sees your job role. If you find out that what is on offer is far from the industry standard, it might be best to walk away.

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Current performance and expectations

All interviewers will be keen to tell you about how great their company is – it’s part of the ‘interview dance.’ But how truthful are they with you? Make sure you fully understand their ambitions and ask about where they are going to be in five years time. Is it meeting its revenue goals, or are there any problems they are hoping you might solve?


Businesses of all shapes and sizes develop characters over time. It’s wise to work out if the interviewing company matches your personality. Try asking them to describe their ideal employee and see if you can squeeze any more info on the types of people working there. Fitting in is vital for success at work, and if you feel like you won’t, it’s not a good sign.

OK, so that’s all we have time for today. As you can see the interview process isn’t just a chance for you to show off your skills. More importantly, it’s a way to get to know your prospective employers and ensure they are offering what you need.

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