
Don’t Put It On Your Resume! What Employers Are Really Looking For

Writing a resume can be full of hidden pitfalls for the uninformed. Employers will have a hard time placing someone whose resume is unintentionally unflattering. Make sure that your resume portrays yourself in the best light possible by following these simple tips:   DON’T include a head shot unless one is specifically requested. Many companies…

The 5 Biggest Resume Boosters for any Job Seeker in the Business Niche

The 5 Biggest Resume Boosters for any Job Seeker in the Business Niche

The job market is very tough these days, so you have to do everything you can to stand out from everyone else. The first thing you have to do is create a resume that will impress employers. Your resume should be neat and tailored to each position you apply for. Here are five tips that…

A Powerful Resume Depends Upon What Happens Before You Write a Word

A Powerful Resume Depends Upon What Happens Before You Write a Word

The most important work that goes into composing an effective resume comes before sitting down to write anything.  One must know with exactness the job being sought.  In some ears this might sound like a point too obvious to mention, but it is one Wizdom, Inc. career counselor Jane Goodman finds herself emphasizing over and…