Top 5 Resume Tips for Tech Professionals

Top 5 Resume Tips for Tech Professionals

If you happen to be an extremely skilled and experienced tech professional, your resume could start to read like the technical version of a Tolstoy novel. In other words, your application might be too exhaustingly long for a reasonable hiring manager to sift through. As it turns out, including anything and everything on your resume…

How to Find a Job Fresh Out of College

How to Find a Job Fresh Out of College

This economy has been tough for all job-seekers, but perhaps no segment of the population has been more severely affected than the recent college graduate. There you are, diploma in hand, limited real-world experience and tens of thousands of dollars in student loan debts on your shoulders. How can you compete? The recession led to…

The Importance of Being Tech Savvy in Today’s Job Market

The Importance of Being Tech Savvy in Today’s Job Market

Many people these days feel that you cannot get by without a working knowledge of modern technology, which is to say computers, smartphones, and the like. This is not entirely true; there are still jobs out there that can be conducted off the grid, so to speak. If, for example, you would like to run…