
The 5 Biggest Resume Boosters for any Job Seeker in the Business Niche

Resume The job market is very tough these days, so you have to do everything you can to stand out from everyone else. The first thing you have to do is create a resume that will impress employers. Your resume should be neat and tailored to each position you apply for. Here are five tips that will boost your resume.

Put Your Best First

When you’re writing your resume, make sure the first item you include, whether that be work or education, is your most impressive attribute. You want to start strong, so the employer will continue reading or at least see your most impressive characteristic first.

Don’t Too Creative With Font Styles and Sizes

When you are creating your resume, it is not the time to start getting creative with font styles and sizes. Using funky font styles and sizes in your resume is very distracting and will definitely turn off potential employers. When employers see a resume with several different font styles and sizes, they will likely get a headache and move on. It is best to use a traditional font style throughout your resume, but that’s not to say you can’t get creative and make a memorable, impressive resume that stands out.

Include Bullet Points

Using bullet points in your resume will definitely help potential employers scan through your resume. They make your resume look more organized and easier to read for your potential employer.

Use a PDF Format

When you were earning your online bachelors in MIS, you probably were advised to create a resume in Microsoft Word. While Microsoft Word is a fine program to use, some hiring managers may not be able to open the document. That is why it is best to create your resume in an Adobe PDF format or with a more creative and modern program like Adobe Indesign. Converting your resume to a PDF format will also make it look more professional.

See also  Three Things to Avoid In Your Resume


If you have several grammar and spelling mistakes in your resume, employers will likely toss your resume in the trash. That is why it is so essential to proofread your resume at least a couple of times. Consider having one of your friends or family members look over your resume.

Having a good resume is very important, so you should take the time to make your resume stand out. If you follow these great tips, your resume will definitely stand out from all the rest. If you take the time to create an impressive resume, you are much more likely to get contacted for an interview soon.

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