The Long Term Benefits of a Master’s Degree


A master’s degree course enables you to further your academic studies in your chosen field but it can involve a significant commitment in time and money. It is understandable that any prospective postgraduate would want to be sure that this path will benefit them in the long term before choosing this option. Here are just a few of the ways having this qualification is likely to benefit you in the future.

Better Job Prospects? 

Possessing a bachelor’s degree isn’t going to open as many doors as it would have a decade ago, as there are many more students attending university in the present day. The Office of National Statistics reports that about sixty percent of the workforce in inner-London now has a degree. It is getting to the stage where a master’s degree is the equivalent of having bachelor’s degree ten years ago, and the bachelor’s degree is equivalent to a diploma. If you want to stand out from the crowd when applying for jobs, it is inevitably going to help your cause if you have a master’s degree – particularly if you’re talking about a specialist subject.

If you want to get ahead in your chosen industry, you need to have credibility. It can be difficult to get people in power to take you seriously unless you can prove you are knowledgeable – just having an opinion isn’t enough. The fact that you have a master’s degree shows that your words are backed by serious learning, research and commitment. To some extent it improves your credibility, and this encourages people to listen to what you have to say. The best thing you can do to improve your job prospects is to become someone with an opinion that matters. 

Give Your Career a Flying Start 

You may be worried that by delaying your entry into a full-time job (or taking a break from your career to study) is going to mean you fall behind those graduates who go straight into employment. The reality is that having this extra qualification is likely to give you a flying start, so it is likely you will soon be further up the career ladder than those who entered the workforce before you. Of course, you can boost your worth even more by gaining relevant work experience while you study.

See also  Can You Really Study Around A Full Time Job?

What You Need to Progress in Your Career 

Academic institutions are aware of the importance of providing you with the skills you need to join the workforce as an asset. This is why many educational institutions offer ‘bespoke’ postgraduate degrees; for example, Brunel University offers a Master’s of Law degree where your studies are closely matched to your future career plans. Choosing one of these courses means that you are going to have exact academic qualifications employers are looking for when you finish. 

By choosing to study for your master’s degree in a city like London, you have the opportunity to get involved in the business community while you study. You may have the option of an internship at the company where you would like to later work. It may also be possible for you to network with business managers by joining student committees or doing projects. If you play your cards right, there can be a job waiting for you at the end of your studies. 

Getting your master’s degree is likely to be something that greatly benefits your future. It is becoming harder to get ahead in many industries without this qualification so the fact that you have it is going to open many doors for you. The number of people with this type of postgraduate qualification is likely to increase significantly over the next couple of decades, so it makes sense to get it now while it still has the ability to impress.

James Rolles is a Law student with a passion for writing. He contributes to several blogs and enjoys bike riding, as well as spending time with his friends, family, and his beloved cat, Jessie.

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