What Not To Do in a Job Interview

Sometimes part of nailing a job interview is all about what you don’t do in that interview. It may sound like a no brainer, but there are many people who simply leave their manners at the door and whether they intend to or not, they come off rude and obnoxious.

First things first, when you arrive at the job interview make sure you shake the interviewer’s hand. Look them in the eye as you do so and smile politely. When you take your seat don’t flop down and whatever you do, don’t slouch in your chair.

When you are asked a question give an answer clearly. Nothing is more agitating to some people than to have a person who is mumbling and that cannot be understood. You should also be sure that you are not chewing gum while talking or not talking. Nobody wants to hear you chewing your gum like a cow chews cud while they try to interview you.

You should also be well rested so you don’t yawn. If you have to yawn try to be inconspicuous about it. If you yawn then you will look as though you are boarded with the interview and the interviewer may take offense to that and end the interview early.

Checking your watch will have a similar effect of yawning. You have to make the interviewer feel as though there is nowhere else on Earth that you want to be other than in their office for that interview. In fact, the best policy is to just leave your watch at home. If you are not tempted to look then you won’t.

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Above all else, be courteous and respectful of the interviewer and their time. Avoid slang terms and speak with as much eloquence as you can. You only get one first impression with a job interviewer so you have to avoid all the no, no’s in order to make your impression a lasting one for all the right reasons.

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