
Working with Recruiters to Get a Job

Often times when you find yourself out of work, getting a new job is not as easy as you may have thought and you may then find it beneficial to begin working with recruiters in order to find employment. When you choose to work with a professional recruiter you are going to greatly increase your odds on finding a job as recruiters will be able to pinpoint your efforts to the most promising leads and opportunities.

The network of the recruiters runs very deep. That means that they will be in the know about positions that open up before anyone else will. Having this on your side can prove to be invaluable. Think about it; if you are working with a recruiter and they are giving you leads before the average Joe sees those leads in the classifieds, then who has the advantage?

As there are a wide variety of job fields there will also be a wide variety of recruiters as well. Be sure that you are working with a recruiter that is an expert in your chosen field. If you are in the business and finance field and you are working with a recruiter that has no experience in that field, what good will it do you? If you are not certain that the recruiter you are considering has the experience you need, then ask them.

It should be noted that recruiters are paid by the companies that they represent and you should therefore be able to use their services for free. If you find a recruiter you like and then find that they want to charge you, run the other way. There are plenty of high quality recruiters who will not take a penny out of your pocket and will do everything in their power to help you find work.

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Once you decide on a London based marketing recruitment company that you want to work with arrange a meeting so that you can discuss the biggest asset that you have; yourself. The recruiter needs to know everything about you so that they can adequately represent your best interests and arrange for interviews with companies that will best fit you. Be open and honest in this process as lying will not help you out and only hinder the recruiter’s ability to help you find the job that is right for you.

Because recruiters are around the ins and outs of the business world on a daily basis it is important that you follow up and communicate with your recruiter after each interview that they set up for you. Sharing your experience can tell the recruiter where to go next in the process and will give them the opportunity to tell you anything that may be bettered on your next interview. This of course will be a moot point should you get a job thanks to an interview that the recruiter set up for you, but in that case you should follow up with them just to say thanks.

Above all else, show some patience with your recruiter. Yes they will increase the odds of you finding work very significantly, but they will only lead you to the most promising of opportunities. These types of opportunities sometimes take a bit of time to find. However, if you are working with a trustworthy and experienced recruiter, it certainly won’t be too long before you are once again gainfully employed.

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